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    Meanings for haggis

    It is the name of the food which is originated from the United States. The main ingredients are sheep's pluck, minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt
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    Wiki content for haggis

    Haggis - Haggis is a savoury pudding containing sheep's pluck (heart, liver, and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and cooked while traditionally encased in
    Haggis pakora - Haggis pakora is a Scottish snack food that combines traditional Scottish haggis ingredients with the spices, batter and preparation method of Indian pakoras.
    Haggis hurling - Haggis hurling is a Scottish sport involving the hurling of a haggis as far as possible for distance and accuracy from atop a platform (usually a whisky barrel).
    Haggis (card game) - Haggis is a shedding card game similar to Tichu, Zheng Fen, and other East Asian climbing games. Haggis has received praise for being the first to successfully create a climbing, trick-taking
    Haggis Baggis - Haggis Baggis is an American game show that aired on NBC from 1958 to 1959. Jack Linkletter hosted the primetime version while Fred Robbins and Dennis James did the daytime show.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    The Weird and The Wonderful: Cafe Kombucha’s haggis nachos are something to shout about
    Listen The Weird and The Wonderful: Cafe Kombucha’s haggis nachos are something to shout about pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    7 haggis recipe ideas for Burns Night
    Listen 7 haggis recipe ideas for Burns Night pronunciation
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    Paul Haggis thinks we're terrible people for not asking Tom Cruise about Scientology
    Listen Paul Haggis thinks we're terrible people for not asking Tom Cruise about Scientology pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Burns night special as Butcher launches first-ever haggis into space
    Listen Burns night special as Butcher launches first-ever haggis into space pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Scottish Icons: There is a lot of tripe talked about haggis, by Rab McNeil
    Listen Scottish Icons: There is a lot of tripe talked about haggis, by Rab McNeil pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
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    Translations of haggis

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    Trending news on haggis

    Fest! The Legend Of The Haggis
    Listen Fest! The Legend Of The Haggis pronunciation
    Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information displayed here is accurate, always check with the venue before attending (especially during the Covid-19 pandemic).
    image-unavailable The List
    "We'll definitely be doing the vegetarian haggis". Barrie Henderson shares plans for the relaunch of Edinburgh's much loved restaurant, Hendersons
    Listen "We'll definitely be doing the vegetarian haggis". Barrie Henderson shares plans for the relaunch of Edinburgh's much loved restaurant, Hendersons pronunciation
    We’ll definitely be doing the original vegetarian haggis and we’re going to try to bring back the original chocolate mousse, but there will be modern vegetarian food as well as the old ...
    image-unavailable The Scotsman
    Paul Haggis directs drama/romance ‘Third Person’
    Listen Paul Haggis directs drama/romance ‘Third Person’ pronunciation
    “Third Person,” the latest interlocking puzzle from Paul Haggis, is about love. But it’s not a soft and fuzzy sort of love. As the writer-director of the Oscar-winning “Crash” is wont to ...
    image-unavailable Albuquerque Journal
    Demand for haggis sky rockets over Burns season
    Listen Demand for haggis sky rockets over Burns season pronunciation
    BURNS NIGHT sees haggis sales increase six-fold, whilst prices drop by around 25%, new research has revealed. A Reader in Food Supply Chain Economics at Scotland’s Rural College, Cesar Revor..View article
    image-unavailable The Scottish Farmer
    Enter The Haggis to play benefit concert at Westfield State University
    Listen Enter The Haggis to play benefit concert at Westfield State University pronunciation
    Enter The Haggis, Canada’s indie roots-rock quintet with a Celtic bent, will headline the Glasgow Lands Scottish Festival Summer Concert on Saturday, July 17. The event will be held on the ...View article
    image-unavailable MassLive
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