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Meanings for Habibul

A Bangladeshi cricketer who plays for the Bangladesh cricket team and also a captain of the team.
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Wiki content for Habibul

Habibullāh Kalakāni - Habibullah Kalakani (Dari: حبیب‌الله کلکانی‎, 19 January 1891 – 1 November 1929), was a King of Afghanistan who ruled from 17 January 1929 to 13 October 1929. He was an ethnic Tajik.
Habibullah Khan - Habibullah Khan (June 3, 1872 – February 20, 1919) was the Emir of Afghanistan from 1901 until 1919. He was the eldest son of the Emir Abdur Rahman Khan, whom he succeeded by right of primoge
Habibul Bashar - Qazi Habibul Bashar (Bengali: কাজী হাবিবুল বাশার; born 17 August 1972) is a Bangladeshi cricketer and the former captain of the Bangladeshi cricket team.
Habibullah (Bagram detainee) - Mullah Habibullah was an Afghan who died while in US custody on December 4, 2002.
Habibullah Khan Marwat - Habibullah Khan Marwat (also known as Khan Habibullah Khan Marwat) (14 October 1901 – 5 December 1978) was the 1st Chairman of the Senate of Pakistan and former Peshawar High Court judge.
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Examples of in a sentence

Habibul Bashar hospitalised after testing positive for COVID-19
Listen Habibul Bashar hospitalised after testing positive for COVID-19 pronunciation
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Bangladesh will be a good match for India: Habibul Bashar
Listen Bangladesh will be a good match for India: Habibul Bashar pronunciation
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Trending news on Habibul

Bangladesh will be a good match for India: Habibul Bashar
Listen Bangladesh will be a good match for India: Habibul Bashar pronunciation
Former skipper and current selector Habibul Bashar believes the trend will continue in the upcoming Test as well. "The passion for cricket in Bangladesh has always been huge.The same is the..View article
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Habibul Bashar hospitalised after testing positive for COVID-19
Listen Habibul Bashar hospitalised after testing positive for COVID-19 pronunciation
The current national selector tested positive on November 12 and was hospitalized on 16th following detection of an infection in his lungs. ''I was admitted on Monday. Doctor said that my lu..View article
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