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Guo Pei

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Meanings for Guo Pei

Chinese fashion designer
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She is a famous Chinese fashion designer who was nominated for the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Costume and Makeup Design award for her unique designs.
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Wiki content for Guo Pei

Guo Pei - Guo Pei (Chinese: 郭培, Mandarin pronunciation: [ku̯ó pʰěɪ̯], born 1967) is a Chinese fashion designer. She is best known for designing dresses for Chinese celebrities, and in America for Rihan
Guo Peiyuan - Dr. Guo Peiyuan, who holds a Ph.D. in Management from Tsinghua University, is the general manager of SynTao and chairman of SynTao Green Finance.
Guo Wei - Guo Wei (郭威) (10 September 904 – 22 February 954), also known by his temple name Taizu (太祖), was the founding emperor of imperial China's short-lived Later Zhou during the Five Dynasties and
Guo Mei - Guo Mei (Chinese: 郭梅; pinyin: Guo Mei, born January, 1968) is a hematologist and associate director of 307th Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army and deputy director of Radiation Rese
Guo Meimei (Internet celebrity) - Guo Meimei (Chinese: 郭美美; pinyin: Guō Měiměi; born 15 June 1991), born as Guo Meiling (Chinese: 郭美玲), is a Chinese Internet celebrity who was involved in some scandals.
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