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Great Wall

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Phonetic spelling of Great Wall

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Meanings for Great Wall

A popular Chinese action film was directed by Yi-Mou Zhang.
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Quiz on Great Wall


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Wiki content for Great Wall

Great Wall of China - The Great Wall of China (Chinese: 萬里長城; pinyin: Wànlǐ Chángchéng) is the collective name of a series of fortification systems generally built across the historical northern borders of China t
Great Wall Motors - Great Wall Motors Company Limited is a Chinese automobile manufacturer headquartered in Baoding, Hebei, China.
Great Wall of Sand - "Great Wall of Sand" is a name first used in March 2015 by US Admiral Harry Harris, who was commander of the Pacific Fleet, to describe a series of uniquely large-scale land reclamation proje
Great Wall of Gorgan - The Great Wall of Gorgan is a Sasanian-era defense system located near modern Gorgan in the Golestān Province of northeastern Iran, at the southeastern corner of the Caspian Sea.
Great Wall Haval H6 - The Great Wall Haval H6 is a compact sport utility vehicle (SUV) produced by the Chinese manufacturer Great Wall Motors since 2011. It was introduced at the 2011 Shanghai Auto Show, and it is
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Examples of in a sentence

Its ramparts are of stone, and its north rampart coincides with the great wall of Hadrian.
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Modern technology maps new sections of the Great Wall of China
Listen Modern technology maps new sections of the Great Wall of China pronunciation
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Thence the boundary describes a sinuous line, following the Great Wall, and thus includes the Ordos (Ho-tau) and Alashan (Si-tao), and reaches its most southern point in 36° 40' N., 104° 20' E.
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Great Wall photo exhibition attracts large audience in Slovenia
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The Great Wall: New owners bring fine Chinese fare to Birmingham
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