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Pronunciation of gracious with 7 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈgreɪʃəs
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Meanings for gracious

gracious smile
Listen gracious smile pronunciation
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gracious lady
Listen gracious lady pronunciation
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Synonyms for gracious

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Antonyms for gracious

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Examples of in a sentence

Adele and David Bowie each win five Grammys
Listen Adele and David Bowie each win five Grammys pronunciation
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Cerro Gordo County takes strides on Gracious Estates
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Flamengo hand Jurgen Klopp gracious gift after Liverpool's Club World Cup victory
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Lee Cataluna: Kauai’s link to a more gracious era
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Compton's national championships run ends with gracious nod to competition
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gracious should be in sentence

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Translations of gracious

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Trending news on gracious

Torres – “Gracious Day”
She’s put out one song from it so far, “Good Scare,” and today she’s back with another one, “Gracious Day,” a song that Mackenzie Scott originally shared as a demo in 2018 when she was betwe..View article
Stereogum Stereogum
Sir Elton John’s gracious response to security breach at Geelong show
Best cuddle ever tho (sic). I can’t stop laughing … it was so much fun. He gave me the biggest squeezy cuddle.” Sir Elton has been unanimously praised for being gracious about the gatecrashi..View article
heraldsun.com.au heraldsun.com.au
'Gracious Mob' targets St. Paul Police with food and thanks
The self-described “Gracious Mob,” led by former city council candidate Lindsay Ferris Martin, streamed into the police department headquarters for much of Thursday morning, bringing plates..View article
Torres Announces A Tour And Shares The Relationship-Saving Single ‘Gracious Day’
“Good Scare” was about how terrifying love can be, and on the new single “Gracious Day,” Torres reflects on how certain she is about her feelings for a special somebody. Torres sings on the..View article
Uproxx Uproxx
‘Incapable of being gracious’: De Blasio fumes over Bloomberg bid
“He seems to be incapable of being gracious.” Some City Hall observers speculate, without evidence, that de Blasio is auditioning for a prominent role in a Sanders or Elizabeth Warren campai..View article
Politico Politico
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