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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈgɔːdn
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    Meanings for Gordon

    Gordon Ramsay is a British chef and a TV personality who is known for his appearance in the show 'Master chef' and 'Hell's Kitchen'. He has won the 'Chef of the Year' from Catey awards. He has written several cookbooks like 'Gordon Ramsay Makes It Easy' among others.
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    Gordan Ramsey the famous Brit chef.
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    It is a male given name. Also a topographical surname of Scottish origin. It is derived from the
    0 rating rating ratings
    From a Scottish surname which was originally derived from a place name in Berwickshire meaning "spacious fort". It was originally used in honour of Charles George Gordon (1833-1885), a British general who died defending the city of Khartoum in Sudan.
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    Wiki content for Gordon

    Gordon - Gordon may refer to:
    Gordon Ramsay - Gordon James Ramsay (born 8 November 1966) is a British chef, restaurateur, writer, television personality and food critic.
    Gordon Brown - James Gordon Brown (born 20 February 1951) is a British politician who was prime minister of the United Kingdom and leader of the Labour Party from 2007 to 2010. He served as chancellor of t
    Gordonstoun - Gordonstoun School is a co-educational independent school (public school in the British usage of the term) for boarding and day pupils in Moray, Scotland.
    Gordon Sondland - Gordon David Sondland (born July 16, 1957) is an American diplomat and businessperson. He is the United States Ambassador to the European Union.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Julia Anne Gordon
    0 rating rating ratings
    Sean Gordon Murphy and Blake Northcott on Catwoman for DC Comics in 2020
    0 rating rating ratings
    McCann Realty Partners And Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P. Partner To Acquire Two Apartment Communities - 853 Units - In Richmond, VA
    0 rating rating ratings
    Gordon attempts alley-oop to self off backboard
    0 rating rating ratings
    Celtics' Gordon Hayward: Scores 10 in loss
    0 rating rating ratings
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    Translations of Gordon

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    Trending news on Gordon

    Sentencing delayed for convicted murderer Michael Gordon
    BARTOW — The sentencing hearing for convicted murderer Michael Gordon, which had been scheduled for Tuesday, has been delayed to Feb. 7. Circuit Judge Jalal Harb, who presided over Gordon’s..View article
    The Ledger The Ledger
    Julia Anne Gordon
    Anne Gordon passed away in Beaverton, Oregon, following an extended illness. She was born in Billings and raised on the family ranch in the Bull Mountains, north of Shepherd. She and her sis..View article
    Billings Gazette Billings Gazette
    Hell's Kitchen from chef Gordon Ramsay opens Jan. 8 at Lake Tahoe; he might visit in March
    Hell's Kitchen from chef Gordon Ramsay opens Jan. 8 at Lake Tahoe; he might visit in March Globally celebrated chef and restaurateur Gordon Ramsay debuts his third restaurant inspired by "He..View article
    Reno Gazette-Journal Reno Gazette-Journal
    Sean Gordon Murphy and Blake Northcott on Catwoman for DC Comics in 2020
    Chief writer and founder of Bleeding Cool. Father of two. Comic book clairvoyant. Political cartoonist.
    Bleeding Cool Bleeding Cool
    McCann Realty Partners And Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P. Partner To Acquire Two Apartment Communities - 853 Units - In Richmond, VA
    RICHMOND, Va. and NEW YORK, Jan. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- McCann Realty Partners ("McCann") and its joint venture partner, Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P., announced the acquisition of two multifa..View article
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