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IPA : gɒbl
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Phonetic spelling of gobble

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Meanings for gobble

make a gurgling sound, characteristic of turkeys
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Wiki content for gobble

Gobble - Gobble may refer to:
Gobbledigook (song) - "Gobbledigook" is the first track on Sigur Rós' album Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. It premiered on Zane Lowe's Radio 1 show in the UK on 27 May 2008.
Gobbledok - The Gobbledok was a fictitious television character in Australia from the 1987 to 1994. It was a pale brownish alien known for its multi-colored "Mohawk" hairdo and an obsession for eating Sm
Gobblet - Gobblet is a board game for two players designed by Thierry Denoual and published in 2001 by Gigamic and Blue Orange Games.
Gobbler's Knob Fire Lookout - The Gobbler's Knob Fire Lookout is a fire lookout in the extreme western region of Mount Rainier National Park at an elevation of 5,485 feet (1,672 m).
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Examples of in a sentence

Do this Thanksgiving food safety quiz before you gobble the turkey and side dishes
Listen Do this Thanksgiving food safety quiz before you gobble the turkey and side dishes pronunciation
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California American Water Teams Up with State Assemblymember Jim Cooper for “Operation Gobble”
Listen California American Water Teams Up with State Assemblymember Jim Cooper for “Operation Gobble” pronunciation
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Gobble trouble? Turkey populations coming back in valley
Listen Gobble trouble? Turkey populations coming back in valley pronunciation
24 ratings rating ratings
Gobble, gobble: Here's your Myrtle Beach area Thanksgiving forecast
Listen Gobble, gobble: Here's your Myrtle Beach area Thanksgiving forecast pronunciation
22 ratings rating ratings
Thanksgiving 2019: Gobble Worthy Food, Fun Around Lakeland
Listen Thanksgiving 2019: Gobble Worthy Food, Fun Around Lakeland pronunciation
20 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of gobble

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Trending news on gobble

Holland: Don’t sell Thanksgiving short. Gobble it up.
Listen Holland: Don’t sell Thanksgiving short. Gobble it up. pronunciation
Thanksgiving is the most overlooked and underrated of the major holidays. It’s not right. I’m standing up for Turkey Day, nestled between Halloween and Christmas like the stuffing in the bir..View article
The Fayetteville Observer The Fayetteville Observer
Gobble trouble? Turkey populations coming back in valley
Listen Gobble trouble? Turkey populations coming back in valley pronunciation
Three decades ago, Glenwood Springs wasn’t considered ideal habitat for wild turkeys. But after reintroduction efforts in the 1980s on the Front Range, the birds are thriving here, increasin..View article
The Aspen Times The Aspen Times
Gobble, gobble: Here's your Myrtle Beach area Thanksgiving forecast
Listen Gobble, gobble: Here's your Myrtle Beach area Thanksgiving forecast pronunciation
The National Weather Service is calling for mostly sunny and clear days ahead, and temperatures in the 60s as you gobble some turkey this week. King tides are forecast to last through Thanks..View article
The Sun News on MSN.com The Sun News on MSN.com
Thanksgiving 2019: Gobble Worthy Food, Fun Around Lakeland
Listen Thanksgiving 2019: Gobble Worthy Food, Fun Around Lakeland pronunciation
We consulted OpenTable to find some gobble worthy restaurant options. Here now is our Thanksgiving 2019 roundup for the Lakeland area: We'll keep updating this list right up until the big da..View article
Patch Patch
2019 Gobble Wobble Thanksgiving Run preview
Listen 2019 Gobble Wobble Thanksgiving Run preview pronunciation
The third annual Gobble Wobble Thanksgiving Run is happening this Thursday in Elk Grove. This is Chick in Crisis' biggest fundraising event of the year.
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