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Meanings for Gnocchi

(Italian) a small dumpling made of potato or flour or semolina that is boiled or baked and is usually served with a sauce or with grated cheese
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Examples of in a sentence

Rachel Roddy's recipe for semolina gnocchi with butter, parmesan and sage
Listen Rachel Roddy's recipe for semolina gnocchi with butter, parmesan and sage pronunciation
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Mike van de Elzen: Classic potato gnocchi with mushroom truffle cream
Listen Mike van de Elzen: Classic potato gnocchi with mushroom truffle cream pronunciation
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Potato Gnocchi with Garlic Butter, Mushrooms and Snails
Listen Potato Gnocchi with Garlic Butter, Mushrooms and Snails pronunciation
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Jamie Oliver’s Favorite 3-Ingredient Gnocchi Is Actually Vegan
Listen Jamie Oliver’s Favorite 3-Ingredient Gnocchi Is Actually Vegan pronunciation
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Crispy Gnocchi with Peas, Ham and Ricotta
Listen Crispy Gnocchi with Peas, Ham and Ricotta pronunciation
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Trending news on Gnocchi

Mike van de Elzen: Classic potato gnocchi with mushroom truffle cream
Listen Mike van de Elzen: Classic potato gnocchi with mushroom truffle cream pronunciation
Heat a cast iron pan and gently fry of the garlic before adding the mushrooms, cream and dijon mustard. Reduce by a touch before adding in the gnocchi. Finally add in the truffle oil and par..View article
image-unavailable Newstalk ZB
Booths goats cheese, sage and chorizo gnocchi recipe
Listen Booths goats cheese, sage and chorizo gnocchi recipe pronunciation
1. Remove the seeds of the roasted squash and discard. Scoop out the filling and roughly mash with a fork in a bowl. 2. Fry the chorizo on a medium to high heat for a few minutes in a large..View article
image-unavailable Lancashire Evening Post
Noodles & Company adding cauliflower gnocchi next year
Listen Noodles & Company adding cauliflower gnocchi next year pronunciation
With recovery from the pandemic in sight, Noodles & Company is stepping up menu innovation by adding cauliflower gnocchi to the menu next year. The chain also plans to revamp its salad offer..View article
image-unavailable Nation's Restaurant News
Get To Know Gnocchi Jeans, A New Family-Run Streetwear Brand From South London
Listen Get To Know Gnocchi Jeans, A New Family-Run Streetwear Brand From South London pronunciation
Starting his brand in quarantine, South East London designer and artist Rass Tokyo created Gnocchi Jeans, which had a specific problem-solving purpose at its core. "I started this brand duri..View article
image-unavailable YAHOO!
Cibus brings Sicilian stories to Waunakee and gluten-free gnocchi to customers’ doors
Listen Cibus brings Sicilian stories to Waunakee and gluten-free gnocchi to customers’ doors pronunciation
Cibus Italian Market, located right next to Wana Bike Shop off W. Main Street, opened this past July and stocks shelves of olive oil and vinaigrettes, ready-to-cook pasta, tomato and
Madison.com Madison.com
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