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Pronunciation of gimmicky with 1 audio pronunciations
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IPA : gɪˈmɪkɪ
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Phonetic spelling of gimmicky

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Meanings for gimmicky

It is an adjective that denotes intended to attract attention.
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Examples of in a sentence

The ASUS PadFone X Mini is gimmicky, but it does have some redeeming qualities
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“The Captive,” a child-abduction thriller with gimmicky trickery, non-linear cutting and slow-moving, suspense-free performances, bores us with its onscreen mystery while leaving another, more important one unanswered: What exactly happened to director Atom Egoyan?
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If “The River” was playing some dinky little theater with a bunch of unknowns, it’d be dismissed as flimsy and gimmicky
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We didn't think the "gimmicky and overpriced phone" was worth picking up in our review , and the company is doing away with the second part of that issue now, as it has dropped the off-contract price to US$199
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