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George III

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Meanings for George III

He was the King of Great Britain and the monarch of the House of Hanover.
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Wiki content for George III

George III of the United Kingdom - George III (George William Frederick; 4 June 1738 – 29 January 1820) was king of Great Britain and king of Ireland from 25 October 1760 until the union of the two countries on 1 January 1801,
George III (ship) - George III was a British penal transportation convict ship that was shipwrecked with heavy loss of life during her last voyage when she was transporting convicts from England to the Australia
George III, Count of Erbach-Breuberg - George III, Count of Erbach-Breuberg (15 July 1548 – 26 February 1605), was Count of Erbach in Lauterbach and Breuberg.
George III, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau - George III, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau (Dessau, 15 August 1507 – Dessau, 17 October 1553), was a German prince of the House of Ascania and ruler of the principality of Anhalt-Dessau, and also a
George III of Georgia - George III (Georgian: გიორგი III) (died 27 March 1184), of the Bagrationi dynasty, was the King of Georgia from 1156 to 1184. His reign was part of what would be called the Georgian Golden Ag
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Examples of in a sentence

But Fox's character was incompatible with ministerial service under King George III.
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In 1784 he began the publication of the Annals of Agriculture, which was continued for 45 volumes: this work had many contributors, among whom was George III., writing under the nom de plume of Ralph Robinson.
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It received its charter of incorporation from George III.
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In 1760 he renewed his political pamphleteering; and having obtained a pardon from George III., he proceeded to Dublin, where he received a popular welcome and a Doctor's degree from Trinity College.
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Translations of George III

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