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    Meanings for gemma

    She is an English owner of OG Beachwear the swimwear company and is also a dressage rider who competed in European Championships.
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    Wiki content for gemma

    Gemma - Gemma is a name of Latin origin, meaning "gem" or "gemstone". Its popularity peaked in the United Kingdom during the 1980s.
    Gemma Arterton - Gemma Christina Arterton (born 2 February 1986) is an English actress, activist and film producer. She made her stage debut playing Rosaline in Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost at the Globe
    Gemma Chan - Gemma Chan (born 29 November 1982) is an English actress. She is known for her role as Astrid in the 2018 film Crazy Rich Asians, in which she received widespread recognition, and as Anita/Mi
    Gemma Atkinson - Gemma Louise Atkinson (born 16 November 1984) is an English actress and former glamour model.
    Gematria - Gematria (; Hebrew: גמטריא or Gimatria גימטריה, plural גמטראות or גמטריאות, gematriot) is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Kurt Sutter , creator of the FX biker drama, confirmed via Twitter that Jax Teller, Gemma and the rest of the "Sons" crew will ride off into the sunset on Dec
    164 ratings rating ratings
    Breakaway group formed at the head of the field with our very own Gemma Sloan battling with the best!
    152 ratings rating ratings
    Gemma bought a glass cow for Leanne, and we watched the craftsman at work making elephants from different colored glass rods.
    129 ratings rating ratings
    Coronation Street's Gemma shares baby fears with Chesney as their struggles continue
    Listen Coronation Street's Gemma shares baby fears with Chesney as their struggles continue pronunciation
    117 ratings rating ratings
    Gemma Collins tells fans the real secret behind three stone weight loss amid slimming injections controversy
    Listen Gemma Collins tells fans the real secret behind three stone weight loss amid slimming injections controversy pronunciation
    105 ratings rating ratings
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    Trending news on gemma

    Ms Gemma Grimbley and Miss Claire Treacy v STA Travel Ltd ...
    Listen Ms Gemma Grimbley and Miss Claire Treacy v STA Travel Ltd ... pronunciation
    Read the full decision in Ms Gemma Grimbley and Miss Claire Treacy v STA Travel Ltd (in Creditors Voluntary liquidation): 2603282/2020 and 2603288/2020 - Rule 21. To help us improve GOV.UK,..View article
    image-unavailable gov.uk
    Gemma Harle: How do we ease the cash obsession? | Money ...
    Listen Gemma Harle: How do we ease the cash obsession? | Money ... pronunciation
    A focus of the FCA’s latest missive on the market was on the swathes of people who have all their money sitting in cash.
    Money Marketing Money Marketing
    Coronation Street soilers: Gemma and Chesney left in ...
    Listen Coronation Street soilers: Gemma and Chesney left in ... pronunciation
    He wants to use this business venture to provide for his son Dylan (Liam McCheyne) but could his need to make money go to his head and end up leaving Gemma (Dolly Rose-Campbell) and Chesney..View article
    Metro Metro
    GlenOak senior Dominic A. Gemma reflect on first half of ...
    Listen GlenOak senior Dominic A. Gemma reflect on first half of ... pronunciation
    "Despite initial fears, this year has had more silver linings than expected," Dominic A. Gemma, senior at GlenOak High School.
    The Independent The Independent
    Gemma Atkinson reveals surprising tattoo as she poses in ...
    Listen Gemma Atkinson reveals surprising tattoo as she poses in ... pronunciation
    January 15, 2021 - 16:55 GMT Aisha Nozari Gemma Atkinson penned another empowering message on Friday, even uploading some photos while she was at it… Gemma Atkinson shared another powerful b..View article
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