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Phonetic spelling of Gell

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Meanings for Gell

A surname of Welsh origin.
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Learn more about the word "Gell" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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Wiki content for Gell

Gell - Gell is a surname, and may refer to:
Gello - For other uses, see Gello (disambiguation).Gello (Greek: Γελλώ), in Greek mythology, is a female demon or revenant who threatens the reproductive cycle by causing infertility, spontaneous abo
Gelato - Gelato (Italian pronunciation: [dʒeˈlaːto]) is a popular frozen dessert of Italian origin. It is generally made with a base of 3.25% milk and sugar.
Gellerup - Gellerup is a neighborhood of the Brabrand district in the city of Aarhus, Denmark. The neighborhood was formerly a suburb that has now completely merged with the city and it is characterized
Gellish - Gellish is an ontology language for data storage and communication, designed and developed by Andries van Renssen since mid-1990s.
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Examples of in a sentence

On the outbreak of the Civil War of the 17th century, the county at first inclined to support the king, who received an enthusiastic reception when he visited Derby in 1642, but by the close of 1643 Sir John Gell of Hopton had secured almost the whole county for the parliament.
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