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    Meanings for Gaetz

    He is an American lawyer and politician who is known for his involvement in serving the country.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Feds looking beyond Florida in investigation of Rep. Gaetz, sources say
    Listen Feds looking beyond Florida in investigation of Rep. Gaetz, sources say pronunciation
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    Matt Gaetz said he's talked to every conservative network about a post-Congress gig, but Fox News denied his claims, saying it had 'no interest in hiring him'
    Listen Matt Gaetz said he's talked to every conservative network about a post-Congress gig, but Fox News denied his claims, saying it had 'no interest in hiring him' pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Documents Detail Alleged ‘Hostage Release’ Scheme to Extort Gaetz
    Listen Documents Detail Alleged ‘Hostage Release’ Scheme to Extort Gaetz pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    In investigation of Rep. Gaetz's alleged sexual relationship with minor, feds looking beyond Florida, sources say
    Listen In investigation of Rep. Gaetz's alleged sexual relationship with minor, feds looking beyond Florida, sources say pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Matt Gaetz’s claim that ‘travel records’ debunk the allegations against him
    Listen Matt Gaetz’s claim that ‘travel records’ debunk the allegations against him pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Trending news on Gaetz

    Gaetz staying on Judiciary panel, despite investigation | Raleigh News & Observer
    Listen Gaetz staying on Judiciary panel, despite investigation | Raleigh News & Observer pronunciation
    Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz, a prominent conservative who has been under federal investigation for a former relationship, would lose his House seat if convicted of a felony.
    Raleigh News & Observer Raleigh News & Observer
    Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, a W&M Law School grad, staying on Judiciary panel, despite investigation over possible sexual relationship with a girl, 17
    Listen Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, a W&M Law School grad, staying on Judiciary panel, despite investigation over possible sexual relationship with a girl, 17 pronunciation
    WASHINGTON — Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz, a prominent conservative in Congress and a close ally of former President Donald Trump who is under federal investigation for a former relationship,..View article
    Daily Press Daily Press
    A Who’s-Who Of Matt Gaetz’s Sprawling Sex Trafficking Scandal
    Listen A Who’s-Who Of Matt Gaetz’s Sprawling Sex Trafficking Scandal pronunciation
    Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has unleashed a world of scandal, one complex and featuring an array of Florida characters hitherto unknown. It all stems from a report published on Tuesday by the New York..View article
    Talking Points Memo Talking Points Memo
    Documents detail wild alleged $25 million Gaetz extortion scheme
    Listen Documents detail wild alleged $25 million Gaetz extortion scheme pronunciation
    Rep. Matt Gaetz possesses text message screenshots, an email, and a typed document that purportedly support his claims that a federal investigation into his relationship with a 17-year-old i..View article
    Washington Examiner Washington Examiner
    Gaetz staying on Judiciary panel, despite investigation
    Listen Gaetz staying on Judiciary panel, despite investigation pronunciation
    Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz, a prominent conservative who has been under federal investigation for a former relationship, would lose his House seat if convicted of a felony
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
    image-unavailable image-unavailable
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