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Phonetic spelling of Gaelle

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Meanings for Gaelle

It is a Celtic feminine name.
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Wiki content for Gaelle

Examples of in a sentence

Cameroon need to start World Cup preparations as soon as possible, says Gaelle Enganamouit
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Cameroon's Gaelle Enganamouit makes Spain switch
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Gaelle Baumann Eliminated in 20th Place (€61,710)
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Cameroon's Gaelle Enganamouit leaves Malaga by mutual consent
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Malaga's Ode Fulutudilu and Gaelle Enganamouit make losing debut to Zenatha Coleman's Valencia
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Trending news on Gaelle

Cameroon's Gaelle Enganamouit makes Spain switch
Cameroon forward Gaelle Enganamouit has joined struggling Spanish side Malaga on a one-year deal. She moves from Norwegian side Avaldsnes IL, who she signed for last year. The 26-year-old jo..View article
Cameroon need to start World Cup preparations as soon as possible, says Gaelle Enganamouit
Gaelle Enaganamouit is hoping the preparations commence 'as soon as possible' for the Indomitable Lionesses ahead of this summer's Women's World Cup in France. Joseph Ndoko's ladies finished..View article
Sporting News Sporting News
Cameroon's Gaelle Enganamouit leaves Malaga by mutual consent
Cameroon international Gaelle Enganamouit has left Malaga by mutual consent, just two months after signing for the Spanish outfit. The former African Women's Player of the Year joined strugg..View article
Gaelle Baumann Eliminated in 20th Place (€61,710)
Gaelle Baumann moved all in from the button for 325,000 and Joe Mouawad called from the small blind along with Pasquale Braco in the big blind. A flop reading was dealt and Mouawad bet 500,0..View article
PokerNews PokerNews
Gaelle Enganamouit, the heartbeat of Cameroon
Gaelle Enganamouit shone at Canada 2015 She hopes Cameroon can do even better in 2019 Recently opened a women’s football academy in Yaounde This June, Cameroon will make their second appeara..View article
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