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Pronunciation of Fougere with 3 audio pronunciations
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Listen Fougere pronunciation 3
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈfaʊgər
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    Video Pronunciation of Fougere in English

    Phonetic spelling of Fougere

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    Meanings for Fougere

    It is a surname that is of French origin.
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    Synonyms for Fougere

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    Quiz on Fougere


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    Wiki content for Fougere

    Fougere - Fougere may mean:
    Fougères - Fougères (French pronunciation: ​[fuʒɛʁ]; Breton: Felger; Gallo: Foujerr) is a commune and a sub-prefecture of the Ille-et-Vilaine department in the region of Brittany, northwestern France.
    Fougeré, Maine-et-Loire - Fougeré is a former commune in the Maine-et-Loire department in western France. On 1 January 2016, it was merged into the commune of Baugé-en-Anjou.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    PM Trudeau to call mayors Clark, Fougere on western issues next week
    Listen PM Trudeau to call mayors Clark, Fougere on western issues next week pronunciation
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    “We have things that can help them, and they in turn can help us as well,” said Mayor Michael Fougere of the neighbouring municipalities
    0 rating rating ratings
    MILFORD – Selectman Mark Fougere went to a meeting of the Advisory Budget Committee last week to explain why the town is paying Fieldstone Land Consultants $20,000 for a study of gravel resources at the Brox property this fall
    0 rating rating ratings
    Rene Joseph Fougere
    Listen Rene Joseph Fougere pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Clark, Fougere outline western frustration to receptive PM
    Listen Clark, Fougere outline western frustration to receptive PM pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
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    Translations of Fougere

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    Trending news on Fougere

    Rene Joseph Fougere
    Listen Rene Joseph Fougere pronunciation
    Age 86. It is with profound sadness the family of Rene Fougere announce his peaceful passing on October 16, 2019. Born in Port Felix he was a son of the late Laura and Alfred Fougere. Rene s..View article
    The Chronicle Herald The Chronicle Herald
    PM Trudeau to call mayors Clark, Fougere on western issues next week
    Listen PM Trudeau to call mayors Clark, Fougere on western issues next week pronunciation
    That’s part of the reason Mayor Michael Fougere looks forward to discussing issues important to the province, and to Western Canada, when he takes a phone call from Prime Minister Justin Tru..View article
    Clark, Fougere outline western frustration to receptive PM
    Listen Clark, Fougere outline western frustration to receptive PM pronunciation
    “There’s a lot at stake right now … It’s not a time for polite diplomacy,” Clark said of his Tuesday-morning call with Trudeau, who also spoke with Regina Mayor Michael Fougere, and has prev..View article
    The StarPhoenix The StarPhoenix
    Fougere, France 10 Day Weather
    Listen Fougere, France 10 Day Weather pronunciation
    <img class="styles__noscript__2rw2y" src="https://dsx.weather.com//util/image/w/ba8f6c2f-3131-49bd-9474-a75c29dd0788_815x458.jpg?v=at&w=1280&h=720&api=7db9fe61 ...
    The Weather Channel The Weather Channel

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