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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈfɒstə
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Examples of in a sentence

Stanford physicists print smallest-ever letters 'SU' at subatomic level of 1.5 nanometres tall
Listen Stanford physicists print smallest-ever letters 'SU' at subatomic level of 1.5 nanometres tall pronunciation
60 ratings rating ratings
Foster was accused of not being able to account for $1.…
55 ratings rating ratings
Heroes Next Door: One-time foster kid dedicates his life to parenting and improving the system
51 ratings rating ratings
Pearson hails Foster heroics as Hornets dig in for draw
46 ratings rating ratings
Manatee foster parents build loving home
42 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on foster

It took Trump just 12 hours to renege on his own call to ‘foster a culture of deeper understanding and respect’
But just 12 hours later he broke that pledge. “Together, we must strive to foster a culture of deeper understanding and respect—traits that exemplify the teachings of Christ,” Trump said in..View article
The Raw Story The Raw Story
Foster was accused of not being able to account for $1.…
Foster was accused of not being able to account for $1.5 million, before he then levied an allegation that LaVar had embezzled $2.5 million from their companies. Asked about the future of th..View article
HoopsHype HoopsHype
Heroes Next Door: One-time foster kid dedicates his life to parenting and improving the system
Joe O’Connell grew up in Waimea as a foster child, a ward of a notoriously overwhelmed child welfare system that often produces angry, bitter and struggling adults. Not only did O’Connell re..View article
Honolulu Star-Advertiser Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Pearson hails Foster heroics as Hornets dig in for draw
Watford boss Nigel Pearson hailed an “unbelievable” save by Ben Foster after the goalkeeper starred in their 1-1 draw at Sheffield United. Foster produced one of the saves of the season as t..View article
FourFourTwo FourFourTwo
Manatee foster parents build loving home
Rikki and Tommy Conely’s first foster child ran away from home and chose not to stay with them. But the couple is thankful that they didn’t give up on trying to give kids in need a good home..View article
Sarasota Herald-Tribune Sarasota Herald-Tribune
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