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Pronunciation of Forsythe with 3 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Forsythe

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Meanings for Forsythe

A popular surname that is of Gaelic origin.
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From the old Gaelic name "Fearsithe", which means man of peace.
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Quiz on Forsythe


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Wiki content for Forsythe

Forsythe - Forsythe may refer to:
Forsyth County, North Carolina - Forsyth County is a county located in the U.S. state of North Carolina. As of the 2010 census, the population was 350,670, making it the fourth-most populous county in North Carolina.
Forsyth, Montana - Forsyth is a city in and the county seat of Rosebud County, Montana, United States. The population was 1,777 at the 2010 census.
Forsythe/Pettit Racing - Forsythe/Pettit Racing was a racing team that competed in the Champ Car World Series owned by Gerald Forsythe and Dan Pettit.
Forsythe Technology - Forsythe Technology, Inc. is an IT infrastructure, professional services and financial services company located in Skokie, Illinois.
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Examples of in a sentence

The team also made the offers before Tuesday's deadline to infielder Logan Forsythe and outfielders Desmond Jennings and Matt Joyce
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Troopers said Rohan Forsythe, 22, was riding home from his girlfriend’s house Oct
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Forsythe spent weeks in the hospital and and had to undergo multiple surgeries
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 Word spread and Forsythe was soon such a busy fixer that he co-founded iCracked with his friend Anthony Martin, pitching the business in the Apple repair market
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When the screen on AJ Forsythe's beloved iPhone cracked for the fifth time, the California Polytechnic State University student learned how fix it himself
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Synonyms for Forsythe

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Antonyms for Forsythe

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