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Pronunciation of forger with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈfɔːʤə
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Phonetic spelling of forger

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Meanings for forger

It is a noun term that means "A person who makes fraudulent copies".
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Synonyms for forger

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Examples of in a sentence

Sackler and DeLeo were packing up, off to follow a lead on the whereabouts of a forger of Social Security checks who had been working overtime in recent months.
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A new gameplay trailer explores just what Celebrimbor, forger of the Rings, is prepared to do in his quest for vengeance against Sauron the betrayer
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Elsewhere he says that suzerainty is a form of public seigneuries which has been usurpee par les particuliers pour laquelle exprimer it nous a fallu forger un mot expres, et l'appeller suzerainete, mot qui est aussi etrange comme celle espece de seigneuries est absurde (p. 11).
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US court jails notorious wine forger for 10 years
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Translations of forger

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