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Pronunciation of flu with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : flue
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Phonetic spelling of flu

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Meanings for flu

An illness caused in living being due to infectious bacteria, viruses, or other germs.
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Wiki content for flu

Examples of in a sentence

On The Go: Doctors remind people to get flu shot; Great Bear looking for seasonal employees; Domestic dispute ends peacefully
Listen On The Go: Doctors remind people to get flu shot; Great Bear looking for seasonal employees; Domestic dispute ends peacefully pronunciation
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True Story: I'm A Woman Who Gets Man Flu
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The Flu before the McWedding!
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Bird Flu Spreads in Europe and Asia
Listen Bird Flu Spreads in Europe and Asia pronunciation
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Bird Flu Spread In Europe, China, South Korea Sparks Concern
Listen Bird Flu Spread In Europe, China, South Korea Sparks Concern pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on flu

On The Go: Doctors remind people to get flu shot; Great Bear looking for seasonal employees; Domestic dispute ends peacefully
Listen On The Go: Doctors remind people to get flu shot; Great Bear looking for seasonal employees; Domestic dispute ends peacefully pronunciation
Doctors are reminding people in KELOLAND that now is the time to get your flu shot. The thin blanketing of snow we received in eastern KELOLAND may be just enough to get skiers and snowboard..View article
As flu season ramps up, doctors remind people to get flu shot
Listen As flu season ramps up, doctors remind people to get flu shot pronunciation
Doctors are reminding people now is the time to get your flu shot. Dr. Jeremy Cauwels with Sanford Health says they’re seeing a lower number of people vaccinated for the flu this year when c..View article
10,000 units needed: Red Cross encouraging blood donations ahead of possibly severe flu season
Listen 10,000 units needed: Red Cross encouraging blood donations ahead of possibly severe flu season pronunciation
With a severe flu season predicted this winter, the American Red Cross is fearful of problems resulting from an already short supply of blood. “It’s a very
Could COVID-19 end up being worse than the flu year after year?
Listen Could COVID-19 end up being worse than the flu year after year? pronunciation
Healers, then, should expect to be dealing with some level of ongoing COVID-19 burden once the virus enters what epidemiologists call an endemic state, one in which a pathogen simmers and sm..View article
San Diego Union-Tribune San Diego Union-Tribune
Arizona flu cases are up 250% over last year
Listen Arizona flu cases are up 250% over last year pronunciation
Flu cases in Arizona are up 250% over last year and the season is just getting started. While the upcoming season is off to a rocky start, there are steps we can take to keep us from getting..View article
KPNX on MSN.com KPNX on MSN.com
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