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Pronunciation of flora with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈflɔːrə
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Phonetic spelling of flora

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Meanings for flora

It refers to the living organism that lacks the power of locomotion.
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Synonyms for flora

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Antonyms for flora

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Wiki content for flora

Examples of in a sentence

After big start to spring break, Flora-Bama shuts down
Listen After big start to spring break, Flora-Bama shuts down pronunciation
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"Real World" Star Flora Went Under "Moonlighting" Anesthesia
Listen "Real World" Star Flora Went Under "Moonlighting" Anesthesia pronunciation
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Pet of the Week: Flora
Listen Pet of the Week: Flora pronunciation
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Give a kid a summer of exploring flora and fauna, and you just may inspire a steward for life
Listen Give a kid a summer of exploring flora and fauna, and you just may inspire a steward for life pronunciation
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Nicole Dikon uses woodworking, printing to abstract local flora
Listen Nicole Dikon uses woodworking, printing to abstract local flora pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of flora

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Trending news on flora

Flora-bama partially closing
Listen Flora-bama partially closing pronunciation
ORANGE BEACH, Ala. (WKRG) — UNEDITED PRESS RELEASE: FLORA-BAMA PARTIALLY CLOSING TEMPORARILY Based on the CDC guidance given today by the White House and out of respect to the citizens of
WKRG News 5 WKRG News 5
Flora English
Listen Flora English pronunciation
ENGLISH, Flora Whitney Pier It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother, Flora (MacDonald) English, age 80, on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at the Cape Breton Reg..View article
Cape Breton Post Cape Breton Post
Flora-Bama offering free drink cards with gift card purchases
For customers who purchase $50 gift cards, Flora-Bama will give you three free drink cards. For customers who purchase $100 gift cards, they’ll receive seven free drink cards.
WKRG News 5 WKRG News 5
Flora guild makes quilts for area foster children
Listen Flora guild makes quilts for area foster children pronunciation
The Sew Nifty Sisterhood Quilt Guild of Flora started in August of 2018. From the beginning, guild members decided community service was one of their main goals. They meet monthly at The Fir..View article
Effingham Daily News Effingham Daily News
Flora Duffy On Postponement Of Olympics
Listen Flora Duffy On Postponement Of Olympics pronunciation
Bermudian triathlete Flora Duffy says that “it is a tough pill to swallow” hearing the Olympic Games will be postponed due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, but said “given the current situa..View article
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