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    Video Pronunciation of flipped in English

    Phonetic spelling of flipped

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    Meanings for flipped

    The word Flipped means to toss something with our Finger. Flipped may also refer to the Romance/Comedy movie released in 2010.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Witness said he ran to pilot whose plane flipped at Lantana airport
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    4 counties that flipped, and 5 other takeaways from Michigan’s vote for president
    Listen 4 counties that flipped, and 5 other takeaways from Michigan’s vote for president pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Three Reasons Biden Flipped the Midwest
    Listen Three Reasons Biden Flipped the Midwest pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Fox’s Arizona Call for Biden Flipped the Mood at Trump Headquarters
    Listen Fox’s Arizona Call for Biden Flipped the Mood at Trump Headquarters pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Control of the U.S. Senate Live Results: How Many Seats Flipped?
    Listen Control of the U.S. Senate Live Results: How Many Seats Flipped? pronunciation
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    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of flipped

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    Trending news on flipped

    Tuberville flipped most of the urban counties in Alabama back to the GOP
    Listen Tuberville flipped most of the urban counties in Alabama back to the GOP pronunciation
    Alabama's incumbent U.S. Senator needed to carry the counties he won in 2017, especially Madison and Mobile on either end of the state, to have a hope Tuesday night. Tommy Tuberville won bot..View article
    al.com al.com
    13 Investigates: Which Harris County precincts flipped parties this year?
    Listen 13 Investigates: Which Harris County precincts flipped parties this year? pronunciation
    More than 78,200 Harris County voters live in precincts where the majority vote changed from Democrat to Republican or vice versa this year.
    abc13.com on MSN.com abc13.com on MSN.com
    Republicans Trail Democrats in Absentee Ballots in 26 Iowa Counties Trump Flipped From Obama
    Listen Republicans Trail Democrats in Absentee Ballots in 26 Iowa Counties Trump Flipped From Obama pronunciation
    Iowa had the most swing counties in the country in 2016, and on this Election Day Democrats outnumber Republicans in absentee ballots in most of them.
    Newsweek on MSN.com Newsweek on MSN.com
    13 Investigates: Harris County areas with low turnout, flipped precincts
    Listen 13 Investigates: Harris County areas with low turnout, flipped precincts pronunciation
    Nearly 80,000 Harris County voters live in precincts where the majority vote changed from Democrat to Republican or vice versa this year.
    abc13.com on MSN.com abc13.com on MSN.com
    Markets following expected pattern as election flipped from Trump to Biden: WSJ
    Listen Markets following expected pattern as election flipped from Trump to Biden: WSJ pronunciation
    Markets often get politics wrong, but it’s rare to see them price in all three of the plausible results of a presidential election —Republican, Democrat and long-drawn-out legal battle—in on..View article
    Fox Business Fox Business
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
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