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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈflæbəɡæstəd
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Examples of in a sentence

‘Flabbergasted.’ SRHS let doctor misdiagnose woman for years despite warnings, judge rules
Listen ‘Flabbergasted.’ SRHS let doctor misdiagnose woman for years despite warnings, judge rules pronunciation
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Matildas’ superstar Steph Catley ‘flabbergasted’ by Arsenal teammates after dream move
Listen Matildas’ superstar Steph Catley ‘flabbergasted’ by Arsenal teammates after dream move pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
‘I’m flabbergasted’: AFL’s first test of new dangerous tackle rules sees Reilly O’Brien not suspended
Listen ‘I’m flabbergasted’: AFL’s first test of new dangerous tackle rules sees Reilly O’Brien not suspended pronunciation
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Fitness bosses 'flabbergasted' over ‘illogical’ decision to open pubs but keep gyms shut
Listen Fitness bosses 'flabbergasted' over ‘illogical’ decision to open pubs but keep gyms shut pronunciation
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Tipperary boss David Power ‘flabbergasted’ by GAA’s stance on inter-county training
Listen Tipperary boss David Power ‘flabbergasted’ by GAA’s stance on inter-county training pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on flabbergasted

Listen ‘Flabbergasted’ pronunciation
“We welcome them to come to us to give them guidance,” he said. Fataar said he had been left “flabbergasted” at the opening of the church in Cape Town. University of Johannesburg’s ...
‘Flabbergasted.’ SRHS let doctor misdiagnose woman for years despite warnings, judge rules
Listen ‘Flabbergasted.’ SRHS let doctor misdiagnose woman for years despite warnings, judge rules pronunciation
Special Judge James Bell said the way in which SRHS reacted to over 10 years of reports of former neurologist Dr. Terry Millette misdiagnosing and treating patients for the the disease they..View article
Biloxi Sun Herald on MSN.com Biloxi Sun Herald on MSN.com
Matildas’ superstar Steph Catley ‘flabbergasted’ by Arsenal teammates after dream move
Listen Matildas’ superstar Steph Catley ‘flabbergasted’ by Arsenal teammates after dream move pronunciation
Matildas defender Steph Catley says her decision to sign for Arsenal Women was a “no-brainer” because the Women’s Super League is where everyone wants to play.
Fox Sports Fox Sports
The Chase viewers flabbergasted after contestant reveals his age - but not everyone is convinced
Listen The Chase viewers flabbergasted after contestant reveals his age - but not everyone is convinced pronunciation
The Chase viewers were left flabbergasted tonight after a contestant revealed his age. Fans of the popular ITV quiz show took to social media in droves accusing the youthful looking player o..View article
Wales Online on MSN.com Wales Online on MSN.com
‘I’m flabbergasted’: AFL’s first test of new dangerous tackle rules sees Reilly O’Brien not suspended
Listen ‘I’m flabbergasted’: AFL’s first test of new dangerous tackle rules sees Reilly O’Brien not suspended pronunciation
Veteran AFL journalist Gerard Whateley has questioned the league’s enforcement of its new rules around sling tackles after a player was once again fined for a dangerous tackle.
Fox Sports Fox Sports
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