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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : fɪŋk
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    Meanings for fink

    An English singer who gained immense recognition for his album song "Warm Shadow".
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    Wiki content for fink

    Fink - Fink may refer to:
    Fin.K.L - Fin.K.L (Korean: 핑클) is a South Korean girl group formed by DSP Media in 1998 consisting of members Lee Hyori, Ock Joo-hyun, Lee Jin, and Sung Yu-ri.
    Fink (singer) - Fin Greenall, known professionally as Fink, is an English singer, songwriter, guitarist, producer, and DJ born in Cornwall and currently based in Berlin and London.
    Finkelstein's test - Finkelstein's test is a test used to diagnose de Quervain's tenosynovitis in people who have wrist pain.Classical descriptions of the Finkelstein's test are when the examiner grasps the thumb
    Finks Motorcycle Club - The Finks is an Australian outlaw motorcycle club that was formed in Adelaide, Australia, in 1969 and now also has chapters in other states.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Dr. Franz J. Fink, the President and CEO of Maxwell Technologies, Inc. (MXWL), Interviews with The Wall Street ...
    62 ratings rating ratings
    Collin Key/Flickr “When people hear ‘Wi-Fi’ they say, ‘That’s that thing that doesn’t work very well at my house,’” says Jaime Fink
    57 ratings rating ratings
    Robert Fink Jr.
    53 ratings rating ratings
    And occasional fasts are more See Fink's article Fasten in Ersch and Gruber's Encyclopddie; Lane, Modern Egyptians; and Rycaut, Present State of the Armenian Church.
    48 ratings rating ratings
    First Listen: Orenda Fink, 'Blue Dream'
    44 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on fink

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    Listen Morristown To Tokyo: A Look Back At Nic Fink's Olympic Run pronunciation
    Nic Fink missed out on a medal. But the Morristown native, who was his team's oldest rookie, proved he belonged on the world stage.
    Patch Patch
    Brad Weisberg and Kelsi Fink | Crosby Marketing Communications
    Listen Brad Weisberg and Kelsi Fink | Crosby Marketing Communications pronunciation
    Crosby Marketing Communications has continued to expand its team with the hiring of Brad Weisberg and Kelsi Fink. As an integration supervisor, Weisberg will manage national publi
    Maryland Daily Record Maryland Daily Record
    Fink, Marsha
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    TRIPOLI—Marsha Fink, 67, with a smile and a positive attitude battled cancer until our Lord and Savior took her home on Friday, July 23, 2021. Her husband, partner, friend and sister ...
    image-unavailable WiscNews
    Fink teams up with Ferguson for title
    Listen Fink teams up with Ferguson for title pronunciation
    Greg Ferguson Sr. taught a lot about the game of golf to Artie Fink Jr. They also even had some success playing together in the past. Before this weekend, however, there was a long time that..View article
    Altoona Mirror Altoona Mirror
    Fink, Schwarzman Join CEOs Urging Infrastructure Plan’s Passage
    Listen Fink, Schwarzman Join CEOs Urging Infrastructure Plan’s Passage pronunciation
    The heads of BlackRock Inc., Blackstone Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley are among chief executive officers who wrote to congressional leaders on Monday urging them to move swiftly to pass a ....View article
    image-unavailable Bloomberg
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
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