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IPA : faɪˈnænsɪə
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Meanings for financier

This is a small cake of French cuisine, which is made with almonds and flour.
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Examples of in a sentence

He became the financier of his party, preached unceasingly his cardinal doctrines of simplicity and economy, and was an effective critic of the measures of government.
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Her father was the famous financier Necker, her mother Suzanne Curchod, almost equally famous as the early love of Gibbon, as the wife of Necker himself, and as the mistress of one of the most popular salons of Paris.
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Dallas, the financier, and was admitted to the bar in 1813.
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GIUSEPPE SARACCO (1821-1907), Italian politician and financier, and knight of the Annunziata, was born at Bistagno on the 9th of October 1821, and, after qualifying as an advocate, entered the Piedmontese parliament in 1849.
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During the stress of the Scandinavian Seven Years' War compelled him, in 1566, to recall the great financier, when his confiscated estates were restored to him and he was reinstated in all his offices and dignities.
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