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Meanings for Filan

He is a singer-songwriter from Ireland. He is one of the two vocalists of Westlife, a pop group that was shaped in 1998. He has three solo works: You and Me, Right Here, and Love Always, and has fourteen number-one hits in the Uk Charts.
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Wiki content for Filan

Filanesib - Filanesib (code name ARRY-520) is a kinesin spindle protein (KIF11) inhibitor which has recently been proposed as a cancer treatment, specifically for multiple myeloma.
Filandia, Quindío - Filandia is a town and municipality in the northern part of the department of Quindío, Colombia. It is located on the west side of Cordillera Central of the Andes mountain range running throu
Filanbanco - Filanbanco was the largest bank in Ecuador. Founded in the city of Guayaquil, it went bankrupt in 2001 following the banking crisis of 1998.
Filandia Elisa Pizzul - Filandia Elisa Pizzul (alternate spelling, Finlandia; also Filandia Pizzul de Mazzocco; born 22 May 1902; date of death unknown) was the first woman to graduate from a school of architecture
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Examples of in a sentence

Former Westlife singer Shane Filan to perform in Manila
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