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Pronunciation of fie with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : faɪ
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Meanings for fie

A surname that is of Danish origin and is used globally.
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Learn more about the word "fie" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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Wiki content for fie

Fie - Fie is a village in Risør municipality in Aust-Agder county, Norway. The village is located near the Skaggerak coastline in southeastern Norway.
Field hockey - Field hockey is a widely played team sport of the hockey family. The game can be played on grass, watered turf, artificial turf or synthetic field, as well as an indoor boarded surface.
Field-programmable gate array - A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after manufacturing – hence the term "field-programmable".
Field goal - A field goal (FG) is a means of scoring in gridiron football. To score a field goal, the team in possession of the ball must place kick, or drop kick, the ball through the goal, i.e., between
Fiesta Bowl - The Fiesta Bowl is an American college football bowl game played annually in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
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Examples of in a sentence

If you've been wondering who to thank for the latest developments in "the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces," that would be Stanford University professor Maryam Mirzakhani , who has earned the distinction of being the first woman to win a prestigious Fie
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ONU cere ca situaţia legată de ajutorul umanitar rusesc să nu fie politizată
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Phonetic spelling of fie

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Antonyms for fie

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