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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈfetəz
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Meanings for fetters

This word refers to the restrainers, chains that are used on prisoners.
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Wiki content for fetters

Fetter (Buddhism) - In Buddhism, a mental fetter, chain or bond (Pāli: samyojana, saŋyojana, saññojana) shackles a sentient being to saṃsāra, the cycle of lives with dukkha.
Fetters Hot Springs-Agua Caliente, California - Fetters Hot Springs-Agua Caliente is a census-designated place (CDP) in Sonoma Valley, Sonoma County, California, in the United States.
Fetters (film) - Fetters (Czech: Pouta) is a 1961 Czech drama film directed by Karel Kachyňa. It was entered into the 2nd Moscow International Film Festival.
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Examples of in a sentence

This citadel, one of the fetters of Greece, was eagerly contended for by the Macedonian pretenders after Alexander's death; ultimately it fell to Antigonus Gonatas, who controlled it through a tyrant.
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When Death came to fetch him, Sisyphus put him into fetters, so that no one died till Ares came and freed Death, and delivered Sisyphus into his custody.
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Every king had hostages for the fealty of his vassals; they sat unarmed in the hall, and those who had become forfeited by a breach of treaty or allegiance were placed along the wall in fetters.
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But the republicans, and above all the military, saw in all this little but the fetters of system; the wily despotism, the bullying The ,~.
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