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    Meanings for Ferreira

    Ferreira is a name meaning "blacksmith" which is of Galician and Portuguese nationality. It is the name given to a person who works with iron forging, working, etc.
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    Wiki content for Ferreira

    Examples of in a sentence

    Former Al Sadd coach Ferreira moves to Santos
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    Munster defence coach JP Ferreira talks up the importance of Joey Carberry’s return to the squad for Leinster clash
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    Aspen Native Ski Star Alex Ferreira Leads Team To Ajax Cup Victory
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    U.S. men's roster: Llanez, Ferreira, Araujo among players picked for camp in Qatar
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    Ferreira returns for Kings in Edinburgh
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    Trending news on Ferreira

    Aspen Native Ski Star Alex Ferreira Leads Team To Ajax Cup Victory
    Credit Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club Aspen Mountain was home to some star-studded ski racing Monday during the 10th running of the Ajax Cup. Sixteen teams competed in the annual charit..View article
    Aspen Public Radio Aspen Public Radio
    Munster defence coach JP Ferreira talks up the importance of Joey Carberry’s return to the squad for Leinster clash
    JP FERREIRA is delighted to have Joey Carbery back as Munster aim to scupper Leinster’s remarkable winning run. Leo Cullen’s men line out at Thomond Park this evening on the back of 12 strai..View article
    Irish Sun Irish Sun
    Former Al Sadd coach Ferreira moves to Santos
    Doha, Qatar: Former Al Sadd coach Jesualdo Ferreira has replaced Argentinian Jorge Sampaoli as the coach of Brazilian side Santos. Ferreira, 73, has been without a team since leaving Al Sadd..View article
    Doha Stadium Plus Doha Stadium Plus
    Alex Ferreira, Jimmie Johnson win first Ajax Cup championship on the final race
    Jimmie Johnson has been chasing a record eighth NASCAR championship for a few years. Now, thanks in large part to Aspen Olympian Alex Ferreira, he can pretty much call it a career. Johnson,..View article
    The Aspen Times The Aspen Times
    Ferreira returns for Kings in Edinburgh
    Cape Town - The experienced Schalk Ferreira will taste his first bit of PRO14 action for the 2019/20 season when he earns a starting berth for the Southern Kings in their clash against Edinb..View article
    Sport Sport
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