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Examples of in a sentence

The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow
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Israel’s embattled Netanyahu tries to fend off party rival at the polls
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Bison fend off Illinois State, advance to ninth consecutive FCS semifinals
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Full Recap: Grizzlies fend off the Kings
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South vs. Kirtland girls basketball: Rebels dial long distance to fend off neighboring Hornets
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on fend

ASU Hockey: Sun Devils fend off No. 18 Michigan State to earn game one victory
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Bison fend off Illinois State, advance to ninth consecutive FCS semifinals
FARGO — The second matchup of North Dakota State and Illinois State in the NCAA Division I FCS playoffs went down to the final minute again. And like the 2014 FCS national title game, NDSU f..View article
Full Recap: Grizzlies fend off the Kings
Saturday night was another enjoyable night for the Grizzlies and their fans on Beale Street, as the Memphis Grizzlies earned a 119-115 victory over the Sacramento Kings. For one, it was the..View article
Grizzly Bear Blues Grizzly Bear Blues
The Town Heroes Fend Off Burglar – Michael Ryan’s Late Night Encounter
The first step to being a Town Hero is by starting right at home, as was demonstrated by The Town Heroes’ Michael Ryan last night. A late night encounter in the backyard of vocalist/guitaris..View article
theeastmag theeastmag
South vs. Kirtland girls basketball: Rebels dial long distance to fend off neighboring Hornets
A visit from next-door neighbor Kirtland posed a stern test for young and improving South in a nonconference matchup on Dec. 23 in the Rebels’ brand-new gym. Hot outside shooting combined wi..View article
The News-Herald The News-Herald
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