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Examples of in a sentence

In most insects the leg is built up of nine segments: (1) a broad triangular, sub-globular, conical or cylindrical haunch (coxa); (2) a small trochanter; (3) an elongate stout thigh (femur); (4) a more slender shin (tibia); and (5-9) a foot consisting of five tarsal segments.
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One of these, broad and fleshy, is inserted upon the posterior surface of the distal third of the femur.
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The most generalized type is Coryphodon, representing the family Goryphodontidae, from the lower Eocene of Europe and North America, in which there were 44 teeth, and no horn-like excrescences on the long skull, while the femur had a third trochanter.
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The hind limbs are very strong; the massive femur has a large pneumatic foramen; the tibia has a bony bridge on the anterior surface of the lower portion, a character in which the moas agree only with Apteryx amongst the other Ratitae.
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It is remarkable that it should persist in the spectacled bear of the Andes, although it has disappeared in all other living members of the group. The third trochanter of the femur, on the other hand, can scarcely be regarded as primitive, seeing that it is absent in several of the lower groups of m
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Trending news on femur

Woods ‘almost 100 percent’ after breaking femur
Listen Woods ‘almost 100 percent’ after breaking femur pronunciation
Michael Woods (EF Pro Cycling) is making rapid progress on the road back from a broken femur. Having crashed heavily at Paris-Nice this March, the Canadian climber and former elite runner fe..View article
VeloNews.com VeloNews.com
Boy rescued after breaking femur during accident near Bridal Veil Falls
Listen Boy rescued after breaking femur during accident near Bridal Veil Falls pronunciation
SPRINGDELL, Utah — A boy broke his femur Sunday near Bridal Veil Falls after officials said the boy tipped an ATV he and his friends were riding. According to Captain Sam Armstrong with the..View article
H&E-Stained Femur Sections (image)
Listen H&E-Stained Femur Sections (image) pronunciation
a) H&E-stained femur sections 3 days after irradiation. b) H&E staining of longitudinally sectioned duodena 5 days after irradiation. c) Survival rates over 30 days after 13 Gy Total body ....View article
EurekAlert! EurekAlert!
Press-Fit Components and Iatrogenic Fractures of the Femur
Listen Press-Fit Components and Iatrogenic Fractures of the Femur pronunciation
However, since the advent of press-fit femoral stems for hip arthroplasty, we have seen a number of patients who have sustained iatrogenic fractures of the proximal and medial aspect of the..View article
Medscape Medscape
Hand axe made from a hippopotamus femur was used by early ancestors 1.4 MILLION years ago
Listen Hand axe made from a hippopotamus femur was used by early ancestors 1.4 MILLION years ago pronunciation
Ancient stone tools have been previously unearthed in Africa, but the latest discovery of a hand axe was formed from a hippopotamus femur 1.4 million years ago -making it the oldest of its k..View article
Daily Mail Daily Mail
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