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Seventh Iranian Official, MP Fatemeh Rahbar, Dies of Coronavirus
Coronavirus: Iranian MP Fatemeh Rahbar dies of virus as more cases reported
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Dr. Sayedeh-Fatemeh Abhary
Dr. Sayedeh-Fatemeh Abhary is an obstetrician-gynecologist in Brooklyn, New York and is affiliated with Mercy Medical Center-Rockville Centre. She received her medical degree from Tehran ...
U.S. News & World Report
Dr. Fatemeh Yamani
Dr. Fatemeh Yamani is a family medicine doctor in Weber City, Virginia. She received her medical degree from Tehran University of Medical Sciences School of Medicine and has been in practice..View article
U.S. News & World Report
Dr. Fatemeh Rajaii
Dr. Fatemeh Rajaii is an ophthalmologist in Columbia, Maryland and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Cente..View article
U.S. News & World Report
Iranian lawmaker Fatemeh Rahbar dies of novel coronavirus
Fatemeh Rahbar, 55, was a conservative MP and had recently been elected to the parliament from the capital Tehran, the agency said. She is the second lawmaker killed by the virus in Iran and..View article
The Tribune
Seventh Iranian Official, MP Fatemeh Rahbar, Dies of Coronavirus
Conservative Iranian MP Fatemeh Rahbar, 55, died Saturday of the COVID-19 new coronavirus, according to the IRNA and Tasnim News Agencies. One of several newly-elected female politicians ...
Jewish Press
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