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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ɪksˈpaʊnd
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Examples of in a sentence

Even Socrates, in spite of his aversion to physics, was led by pious reflection to expound a teleological view of the physical world, as ordered in all its parts by divine wisdom for the realization of some divine end; and, in the metaphysical turn which Plato gave to this view, he was probably anti
About this work he said little in the Autobiography, probably because his main concern there was to expound the influences that effected his moral and mental development.
At the opening of 1904 he was officially invited by Mr Deakin, the prime minister of the Commonwealth, to pay a visit to Australia, in order to expound his scheme, being promised an enthusiastic welcome as the harbinger of commercial reciprocity between the mother country and her colonies.
Nor can it be considered anything but a gain that he was thus induced to expound his views with regard to those topics, and in connexion with those problems, which were the traditional forms of philosophical utterance.
For Aristotle the reverence of Averroes was unbounded, and to expound him was his chosen task.

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