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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ɪkˈspəʊz
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Meanings for expose

the exposure of an impostor or a fraud
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abandon by leaving out in the open air
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expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas
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make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
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remove all or part of ones clothes to show ones body
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Antonyms for expose

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Examples of in a sentence

Russian Couple Behind Doping Expose Reportedly Now Living In U.S. Suburb
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Musicians Expose the Decline of Sound Quality in New Film The Distortion of ...
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Ottawa Prostitutes Won't Expose Tories' Johns
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Supreme Court and European Union Expose Google's Massive Privacy Liabilities
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An app to expose the influence of money in politics
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Trending news on expose

Cloud Vulnerabilities Expose Millions Of Child-Tracking Smartwatches
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International Business Times International Business Times
Trump’s Trade Wars Expose an Abiding Truth
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Bloomberg Bloomberg
The Heat used a simple defense to expose the 76ers' awkward roster construction, and Joel Embiid didn't sound happy
Joel Embiid sounded unhappy with his role in a loss where the Heat exposed the Sixers' lack of shooting and identity on offense.
Business Insider Business Insider
PornHub Steps in to Expose Android Version Stats That Google Won’t
For most of Android’s history, Google updated its developer dashboards like clockwork every 30 days or so. This data included the proportion of devices running each version of the OS. Howeve..View article
ExtremeTech ExtremeTech
Tanking Dolphins expose 3 areas Giants must improve, if they are going to return to playoffs | Takeaways from 36-20 win
A decade from now, no one is going to remember Giants quarterback Eli Manning’s three interceptions in what might be his final MetLife Stadium start against the tanking Dolphins. Fans are go..View article
NJ.com NJ.com
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