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Pronunciation of exhaustively with 2 audio pronunciations
Listen exhaustively pronunciation 1
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Listen exhaustively pronunciation 2
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ɛɡˈzɔːstɪvli
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Examples of in a sentence

BellSouth denies phone records were handed over to the NSA
Listen BellSouth denies phone records were handed over to the NSA pronunciation
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Listen Christian youth camp directors charged with dragging 15-year-old girl behind van pronunciation
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Listen Canadian PM Martin testifies before sponsorship scandal inquiry pronunciation
The evidence of Babylonian observance has not yet been exhaustively considered.
The science of geography, passed on from antiquity by Ptolemy, re-established by Varenius and Newton, and systematized by Kant, included within itself definite aspects of all those terrestrial phenomena which are now treated exhaustively under the heads of geology, meteorology, oceanography and anth
Listen The science of geography, passed on from antiquity by Ptolemy, re-established by Varenius and Newton, and systematized by Kant, included within itself definite aspects of all those terrestrial phenomena which are now treated exhaustively under the heads of geology, meteorology, oceanography and anth pronunciation

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