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Pronunciation of exacerbate with 13 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ɪgˈzæsəbeɪt
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Meanings for exacerbate

exacerbate tensions
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exacerbate the situation
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Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
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exasperate or irritate
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make worse
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Synonyms for exacerbate

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Antonyms for exacerbate

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Examples of in a sentence

Los Angeles wildfires are nearly contained
Listen Los Angeles wildfires are nearly contained pronunciation
88 ratings rating ratings
BBC's Mock The Week 'breached guidelines' with Olympian humour, say corporation's Trust
Listen BBC's Mock The Week 'breached guidelines' with Olympian humour, say corporation's Trust pronunciation
82 ratings rating ratings
4 percent plunge in new property construction in the first half of this year, is trying to meet the growth target he announced in March without resorting to broad-based stimulus that may exacerbate debt risks
0 rating rating ratings
Experts fear July 4 weekend will exacerbate coronavirus spread
Listen Experts fear July 4 weekend will exacerbate coronavirus spread pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Overnight Health Care: Experts fear July 4 weekend will exacerbate coronavirus spread | Texas Gov. Abbott will require masks in most of the state | Fauci warns: 'We are not ...
Listen Overnight Health Care: Experts fear July 4 weekend will exacerbate coronavirus spread | Texas Gov. Abbott will require masks in most of the state | Fauci warns: 'We are not ... pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Translations of exacerbate

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Trending news on exacerbate

Analysis | PNB struggles to shake off a painful past; COVID-19 may exacerbate pain
Listen Analysis | PNB struggles to shake off a painful past; COVID-19 may exacerbate pain pronunciation
The first major takeaway from the Punjab National Bank (PNB) Q4 numbers is that the bank is struggling hard to address its bad loan situation. The gross non-performing assets (GNPAs) is now..View article
moneycontrol.com moneycontrol.com
‘Imminent price hike could exacerbate diesel shortages’
Listen ‘Imminent price hike could exacerbate diesel shortages’ pronunciation
In addition to diesel shortages across parts of South Africa, producers will also have to brace themselves for a hefty diesel price increase on Wednesday.
Farmer's Weekly Farmer's Weekly
City Threatens to Exacerbate Affordable Housing Crisis for New York Seniors
Listen City Threatens to Exacerbate Affordable Housing Crisis for New York Seniors pronunciation
Mayor de Blasio talks with seniors (photo: Demetrius Freeman/Mayor's Office) For far too long, older adults in New York City have been struggling to find a safe and affordable place to call..View article
Gotham Gazette Gotham Gazette
Ongoing downpours to exacerbate flooding in south
Listen Ongoing downpours to exacerbate flooding in south pronunciation
Ongoing downpours that will bring over 10 more centimeters of precipitation to many areas of the Yangtze River Basin are expected to last until Thursday, further exacerbating the already gri..View article
China Daily China Daily
COVID surge, energy dive exacerbate stock selloff
Listen COVID surge, energy dive exacerbate stock selloff pronunciation
Wall Street is falling sharply midday as two states impose an inbound quarantine and energy shares are hamstrung by a plunge in crude.The S&P is falling 2.7%, the Dow is sliding 2.7% and the..View article
image-unavailable Seeking Alpha
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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