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Learn how to pronounce Evelyn Waugh

Evelyn Waugh

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Pronunciation of Evelyn Waugh with 3 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Evelyn Waugh

English author of satirical novels (1903-1966)
Listen English author of satirical novels (1903-1966) pronunciation
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He was an English writer who is known for his novel 'Brideshead Revisited.'
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Wiki content for Evelyn Waugh

Evelyn Waugh - Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh (; 28 October 1903 – 10 April 1966) was an English writer of novels, biographies, and travel books; he was also a prolific journalist and book reviewer.
Evelyn Waugh bibliography - Evelyn Waugh (1903–1966) was a British writer, journalist and reviewer, generally considered as one of the leading English prose writers of the 20th century.

Examples of in a sentence

Novelist Evelyn Waugh's grandson Alexander, 56, will stand for Brexit Party at next General Election
Listen Novelist Evelyn Waugh's grandson Alexander, 56, will stand for Brexit Party at next General Election pronunciation
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The Evelyn Waugh-Loving Band That Rebelled Against Rebellion
Listen The Evelyn Waugh-Loving Band That Rebelled Against Rebellion pronunciation
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The Evelyn Waugh fanatics
Listen The Evelyn Waugh fanatics pronunciation
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Surprises from the archive: when Evelyn Waugh savaged a reviewer for Dorothy ...
Listen Surprises from the archive: when Evelyn Waugh savaged a reviewer for Dorothy ...  pronunciation
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Nick Clegg should read Evelyn Waugh before writing his next manifesto
Listen Nick Clegg should read Evelyn Waugh before writing his next manifesto  pronunciation
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Translations of Evelyn Waugh

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Trending news on Evelyn Waugh

The Evelyn Waugh fanatics
Listen The Evelyn Waugh fanatics pronunciation
The anonymous reviewer in the Times Literary Supplement heaped scorn on the efforts of "Miss Waugh," whom he seems to have regarded as a kind of sexually frustrated maiden aunt. This was not..View article
The Evelyn Waugh-Loving Band That Rebelled Against Rebellion
Listen The Evelyn Waugh-Loving Band That Rebelled Against Rebellion pronunciation
But that was a red herring. Vampire Weekend created an ultra-preppy persona inspired by Evelyn Waugh and played sunshine tunes with thoughtful string arrangements. Their WASP aesthetic and C..View article
The American Conservative The American Conservative
Novelist Evelyn Waugh's grandson Alexander, 56, will stand for Brexit Party at next General Election
Listen Novelist Evelyn Waugh's grandson Alexander, 56, will stand for Brexit Party at next General Election pronunciation
The grandson of novelist Evelyn Waugh is standing for the Brexit Party at the next General Election. Writer Alexander Waugh, 56, is believed to be trying to become MP for Bridgwater and West..View article
dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk
Evelyn Waugh Predicted the Collapse of Catholic England
Listen Evelyn Waugh Predicted the Collapse of Catholic England pronunciation
It is also, interestingly, a description of the liturgical changes imposed upon the Catholic Church in the United Kingdom during the 1960s, as painfully described in A Bitter Trial, a series..View article
The American Conservative The American Conservative
Evelyn Waugh's Life Revisited
Listen Evelyn Waugh's Life Revisited pronunciation
Nearly every one of Evelyn Waugh’s novels is either in print or easy to find (Oxford University Press has published Volume 26 in a 43-volume complete works), and every few years there’s anot..View article
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