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IPA : evɪˈliːnə
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    Video Pronunciation of evelina in English

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    Meanings for evelina

    An English Epistolary novel was written by Frances Burney in 1778.
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    Wiki content for evelina

    Evelina - Evelina, or the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World is a novel written by English author Fanny Burney and first published in 1778. Although published anonymously, its authorshi
    Evelina (singer) - Eveliina Tammenlaakso (born 27 May 1995), better known as simply Evelina, is a Finnish singer and songwriter.
    Evelina Haverfield - Evelina Haverfield (9 August 1867 – 21 March 1920) was a British suffragette and aid worker. In the early part of the 20th century, she was involved in Emmeline Pankhurst's militant women's s
    Evelina London Children's Hospital - Evelina London Children's Hospital is a specialist NHS hospital in London. It is administratively a part of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and provides teaching hospital facilities
    Evelina Pereira - Evelina Pereira (born 11 May 1978) is a Portuguese film, television, and stage actress, singer, and top model who was crowned Best Model of the World in 2002. As the 22nd holder of the title,
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Suhler, Evelina Irene Bodenstein
    Listen Suhler, Evelina Irene Bodenstein pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Evelina Grayver, MD, FACC is recognized by Continental Who's Who
    Listen Evelina Grayver, MD, FACC is recognized by Continental Who's Who pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    MISSING IN KANSAS: Evelina Dyche
    Listen MISSING IN KANSAS: Evelina Dyche pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Listen EVELINA ZORBINI pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Evelina Beautifully Represents a New Wave of Brooklyn Italian Bistros
    Listen Evelina Beautifully Represents a New Wave of Brooklyn Italian Bistros pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Translations of evelina

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    Trending news on evelina

    Evelina Beautifully Represents a New Wave of Brooklyn Italian Bistros
    Listen Evelina Beautifully Represents a New Wave of Brooklyn Italian Bistros pronunciation
    Really, whatever crazy sequence of dishes you manage to put together at Evelina, you’ll shoot back into the icy street satiated and happy with your choices.
    image-unavailable NY Eater
    Listen EVELINA ZORBINI pronunciation
    Evelina A. Zorbini, 97, of Yorkville, died Monday, in Akron. Visitation Friday, 1 p.m. until Mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Tiltonsville. Arrangements by ...
    The Intelligencer The Intelligencer
    MISSING IN KANSAS: Evelina Dyche
    Listen MISSING IN KANSAS: Evelina Dyche pronunciation
    The family of a missing Wichita teen is worried for her safety. Evelina Dyche was reported missing from her placement on March 31 in Wichita. Someone may have given her a ride to the Kansas..View article
    KAKE.com KAKE.com
    Evelina Grayver, MD, FACC is recognized by Continental Who's Who
    Listen Evelina Grayver, MD, FACC is recognized by Continental Who's Who pronunciation
    REGO PARK, N.Y., June 24, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Evelina Grayver, MD, FACC is recognized by Continental Who's Who as a Pinnacle Lifetime Achiever in the field of Medicine as a Director of Crit..View article
    PR Newswire PR Newswire
    Suhler, Evelina Irene Bodenstein
    Listen Suhler, Evelina Irene Bodenstein pronunciation
    Evelina Suhler passed away on Friday, March 15, 2019, at her home in Charlottesville, Va. Evelina was born in Berlin, Germany, on June 7, 1934, to Elizabeth and Dietrich Bodenstein. Her fath..View article
    The Daily Progress The Daily Progress
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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