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Meanings for Eumenides

It is a famous play that was written by the Greek author 'Aeschylus.'
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Examples of in a sentence

In the Eumenides of Aeschylus the Erinyes are reproached in that by aiding Clytemnestra, who slew her husband, they are dishonouring and bringing to naught the pledges of Zeus and Hera, the marriage-goddess ; and these were the divinities to whom sacrifice was offered before the wedding, and it
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Yos (377 ft.), the seat of the famous council; the name (see also Areopagus) has been connected with Ares, whose temple stood on the northern side of the hill, but is more probably derived from the `Apai or Eumenides, whose sanctuary was formed by a cleft in its northeastern declivity.
Listen Yos (377 ft.), the seat of the famous council; the name (see also Areopagus) has been connected with Ares, whose temple stood on the northern side of the hill, but is more probably derived from the `Apai or Eumenides, whose sanctuary was formed by a cleft in its northeastern declivity. pronunciation
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He comes to Attica and dies in the grove of the Eumenides at Colonus, in his death welcomed and pardoned by the fate which had pursued him throughout his life.
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