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Phonetic spelling of Ersa

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Meanings for Ersa

It is a feminine name of Greek origin.
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Wiki content for Ersa

Ersa - In Greek mythology, Ersa or Herse (Ancient Greek: Ἔρσα Érsa, Ἕρση Hérsē, literally "dew") is the goddess of dew and the daughter of Zeus and the Moon (Selene), sister of Pandia and half-sis
Ersan İlyasova - Ersan İlyasova (born May 15, 1987) is a Turkish professional basketball player for the Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
Ersatz Monarch-class battleship - The Ersatz Monarch class (also informally known as the Improved Tegetthoff class) was a class of four dreadnought battleships which were intended to be built between 1914 and 1919 for the Aus
Ersatz good - An ersatz (German: [ɛɐ̯ˈzats]) good is a substitute good, especially one that is considered inferior to the good it replaces.
Ersan Gülüm - Ersan Adem Gülüm (Turkish pronunciation: [æɾˈsan ˈaːdem ˈɟylym], born 17 May 1987) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a centre back for Western United.
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