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Phonetic spelling of Ericka

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Meanings for Ericka

A popular English musician is known for her track in the movie Relaks, It's Just Pag-ibig.
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Wiki content for Ericka

Ericka - Ericka, or Éricka in France, is a girl's given name, a variant of Erica and Erika.
Ericka Huggins - Ericka Huggins (née Jenkins; born January 5, 1948) is an American activist and educator. Huggins is a former leading member of the Black Panther Party.
Ericka Walker - Ericka Walker (born June 16, 1981 in Hartford, Wisconsin) is an American artist and printmaker. She lives and works in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Ericka Dunlap - Ericka Dunlap (born February 17, 1982) is an American beauty pageant titleholder from Orlando, Florida who was named Miss Florida 2003 and subsequently crowned Miss America 2004. Dunlap was t
Erickatoure Aviance - Erickatoure Aviance (or Ericka Toure Aviance) is an American nightlife personality, club host, clothing designer, fashionista, drag performer, recording artist, dancer, actor, singer and song
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Examples of in a sentence

Ericka Riggs Joins Omnicom Specialty Marketing Group as Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Listen Ericka Riggs Joins Omnicom Specialty Marketing Group as Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer pronunciation
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Ericka Sinclair: BizTimes Media’s Notable Heroes in Health Care
Listen Ericka Sinclair: BizTimes Media’s Notable Heroes in Health Care pronunciation
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WCTV Community Classroom: Ericka Parker, Apalachee Tapestry School of Arts
Listen WCTV Community Classroom: Ericka Parker, Apalachee Tapestry School of Arts pronunciation
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Best of 2020: Revisiting New Haven's Black Panther Trials With Ericka Huggins
Listen Best of 2020: Revisiting New Haven's Black Panther Trials With Ericka Huggins pronunciation
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Trending news on Ericka

Ericka Riggs Joins Omnicom Specialty Marketing Group as Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Listen Ericka Riggs Joins Omnicom Specialty Marketing Group as Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer pronunciation
"As a champion, advocate, and activist for people across a range of industries, Ericka is the perfect addition to the OSMG team, said Hightower. Our strength is our people, and nurturing an..View article
image-unavailable Business Insider
Ericka Sinclair: BizTimes Media’s Notable Heroes in Health Care
Listen Ericka Sinclair: BizTimes Media’s Notable Heroes in Health Care pronunciation
Ericka Sinclair, MS, MPH is a health care visionary who, as the founder and CEO of Health Connections, Inc., has made a tremendous impact on countless lives in the greater Milwaukee area.
image-unavailable BizTimes
WCTV Community Classroom: Ericka Parker, Apalachee Tapestry School of Arts
Listen WCTV Community Classroom: Ericka Parker, Apalachee Tapestry School of Arts pronunciation
Ericka Parker from the Apalachee Tapestry School of Arts was selected for December 2020! Load Error Parker’s project on DonorsChoose is called “Invoking Innovative Learning.” “It’s based aro..View article
Best of 2020: Revisiting New Haven's Black Panther Trials With Ericka Huggins
Listen Best of 2020: Revisiting New Haven's Black Panther Trials With Ericka Huggins pronunciation
On May 1, 1970, the eyes of the nation were on the Elm City. Students and others from around the country had gathered to protest the murder trial of Black

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