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    Meanings for Erhu

    a Chinese violin
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    It is a Musical instrument that has two-stringed bowed and is commonly used by the Chinese.
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    Wiki content for Erhu

    Erhu - The erhu (Chinese: 二胡; pinyin: èrhú; [aɻ˥˩xu˧˥]), is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, more specifically a spike fiddle, which may also be called a Southern Fiddle, and sometimes known
    Erhua - Erhua (simplified Chinese: 儿化; traditional Chinese: 兒化; pinyin: érhuà [ɚ˧˥xwä˥˩]); also called erization, rhotacization of syllable finals, refers to a phonological process that adds r-colori
    Erhun Oztumer - Erhun Aksel Oztumer (born 29 May 1991) is an English professional footballer who plays for Charlton Athletic.
    Erhun Obanor - Erhun Obanor is a Nigerian professional footballer who plays as a defender for SpVgg Greuther Fürth.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    China Daily USA: The 'Erhu' capital of China
    Listen China Daily USA: The 'Erhu' capital of China pronunciation
    340 ratings rating ratings
    2,024 erhu players break Guinness record in China
    Listen 2,024 erhu players break Guinness record in China pronunciation
    316 ratings rating ratings
    Erhu players in Hengshui set Guinness World Record
    Listen Erhu players in Hengshui set Guinness World Record pronunciation
    292 ratings rating ratings
    How Xu Ke – China’s revolutionary ‘Paganini of erhu’ – reimagined East-meets-West classical music
    Listen How Xu Ke – China’s revolutionary ‘Paganini of erhu’ – reimagined East-meets-West classical music pronunciation
    268 ratings rating ratings
    Hebei county sets Guinness World Record for most erhus in an ensemble
    Listen Hebei county sets Guinness World Record for most erhus in an ensemble pronunciation
    243 ratings rating ratings
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    Translations of Erhu

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    Trending news on Erhu

    Jia Pengfang left his home in rural China with an erhu and a dream
    Listen Jia Pengfang left his home in rural China with an erhu and a dream pronunciation
    Some people use it to nail auditions, others to get into a top school. Jia Pengfang used his to see the world, and his particular talent was the erhu. Born in 1958 in China’s northeast provi..View article
    The Japan Times The Japan Times
    Canadian erhu master on his love of China’s stringed instruments and how ditching the violin made him a better musician
    Listen Canadian erhu master on his love of China’s stringed instruments and how ditching the violin made him a better musician pronunciation
    Performing recently in a Shanghai park, a musician gingerly glides his bow across the strings of his erhu before tightening them to bring the instrument back into tune. Soon he is immersed i..View article
    scmp.com scmp.com
    Music director scams audiences with erhu
    Listen Music director scams audiences with erhu pronunciation
    A music school director pleaded guilty in the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court for misleading music lovers after putting the faces of two renowned erhu performers on a concert promotion poste..View article
    image-unavailable The Standard
    When Erhu Meets Jazz
    Listen When Erhu Meets Jazz pronunciation
    A jazz band unlike any other, erhu player Guo Gan and his band debuts in Hong Kong with their unique set list and musical improvisations A jazz performance unlike any other, renowned Chinese..View article
    Time Out Time Out
    Is TV's Next Big Thing Ayden Sng, An Erhu-Playing Godfrey Gao-Lookalike?
    Listen Is TV's Next Big Thing Ayden Sng, An Erhu-Playing Godfrey Gao-Lookalike? pronunciation
    He’s a straight-A Raffles Institution alum and Duke University graduate who also happens to be musically-gifted — he can play the violin, piano, and is so talented at the erhu, he was in the..View article
    TODAYonline TODAYonline
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