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Pronunciation of Ensor with 3 audio pronunciations
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    Meanings for Ensor

    A Belgian painter, who is recognised for his famous painting "Christ's Entry Into Brussels ".
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    Wiki content for Ensor

    Examples of in a sentence

    Of the more than 100 paintings, etchings and drawings in the Getty Museum's sprawling exhibition devoted to 19th century painter James Ensor, "Skeleton Looking at Chinoiserie" is the sort of work that you just might miss if you cruise through the galleries a little too quickly
    38 ratings rating ratings
    Baddesley Ensor steps back in time to the 1940s
    Listen Baddesley Ensor steps back in time to the 1940s pronunciation
    35 ratings rating ratings
    Phyllis Jean Ensor, Brookfield, Ohio
    Listen Phyllis Jean Ensor, Brookfield, Ohio pronunciation
    33 ratings rating ratings
    Evelyn Delilah (Ensor) Brizzolara
    Listen Evelyn Delilah (Ensor) Brizzolara pronunciation
    30 ratings rating ratings
    Sod Poodles Ensor named top exec
    Listen Sod Poodles Ensor named top exec pronunciation
    27 ratings rating ratings
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    Trending news on Ensor

    James Ensor: The 19th century radical painter seems so familiar
    Listen James Ensor: The 19th century radical painter seems so familiar pronunciation
    But in the case of James Ensor's "Entry of Christ Into Brussels, 1889," maybe the name alone indicates just how provocative this very large painting is. Violent, political, deliberately pain..View article
    Oregonian Oregonian
    Buckley's Ensor gains two new teams; She signs with MCC; Bears starting girls soccer program
    BUCKLEY — Before the team has even played its first game, Buckley knows it'll field two college soccer players. Senior Cameryn Ensor signed a national letter-of-intent Friday with Muskegon C..View article
    image-unavailable Traverse City Record-Eagle
    2019-2020 Ensor Lecturship
    Listen 2019-2020 Ensor Lecturship pronunciation
    Christopher Jones, the William R. McLain Chair and Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology will be the keynote speaker at the 2019-2020 Enso..View article
    image-unavailable Washington State University News
    Amarillo's Ensor named 2019 Texas League Executive of Year
    Listen Amarillo's Ensor named 2019 Texas League Executive of Year pronunciation
    FORT WORTH, Texas -- Amarillo Sod Poodles' President and General Manager Tony Ensor has been selected as the 2019 Bill Valentine Texas League Executive of the Year, according to an announcem..View article
    Minor League Baseball Minor League Baseball
    Sod Poodles Tony Ensor Named 2019 Bill Valentine Texas League Executive of the Year
    Listen Sod Poodles Tony Ensor Named 2019 Bill Valentine Texas League Executive of the Year pronunciation
    FORT WORTH, Tex. (Oct. 3, 2019) - The Texas League of Professional Baseball Clubs announced today Sod Poodles President and General Manager, Tony Ensor, as the 2019 Bill Valentine Texas Leag..View article
    Minor League Baseball Minor League Baseball
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