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Meanings for emptiness

Emptiness is a famous album that was composed by Gajendra Verma and released in 2014.

Synonyms for emptiness

Antonyms for emptiness

Learn more about the word "emptiness" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

Examples of in a sentence

Marsilius of Padua and John of Jandun, though they had both reason to be grateful for the benefits of John XXII., chose this moment to demonstrate, by plausible arguments, the supremacy of the Empire, its independence of the Holy See, and the emptiness of the prerogatives usurped by the sovereign
Imagine the emptiness of your home after one child leaves for college
he rejected the vanities of the world
the huge desert voids
the emptiness of outer space
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Translations of emptiness

Which is the right way to pronounce the word port harcourt?

pote haa - kawt
pote hadfga - kawfgdxt
pdfote hagha - kasdfwt
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