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    Meanings for emilie

    It is a feminine name. A Notable person with this name is Emilie Simon, a French singer.
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    Wiki content for emilie

    Emilie Autumn - Emilie Autumn Liddell (born on September 22, 1979), better known by her stage name Emilie Autumn, is an American singer-songwriter, poet, violinist, and actress.
    Emilie de Ravin - Emilie de Ravin (; born 27 December 1981) is an Australian-American actress. She starred as Tess Harding on Roswell (2000–2002), Claire Littleton on the ABC drama Lost (2004–2010), and as Bel
    Emilie Ullerup - Emilie Ullerup (born 27 October 1984) is a Danish actress. She is best known for playing Ashley Magnus on the television series Sanctuary and Bree O'Brien on the Hallmark Channel drama series
    Emilie Johnson - Emilie Johnson was a Swedish-American author, scenarioist and movie producer. She was the mother of American actor, director, producer, and writer Emory Johnson.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Emilie Brzezinski is her own kind of power player: an artist with a chainsaw
    100 ratings rating ratings
    Emilie Brzezinski: the American artist carving a niche with a chainsaw
    93 ratings rating ratings
    Casper sleep products company names Emilie Arel president
    Listen Casper sleep products company names Emilie Arel president pronunciation
    85 ratings rating ratings
    COYNE, Emilie Ann (Nixon)
    Listen COYNE, Emilie Ann (Nixon) pronunciation
    71 ratings rating ratings
    YOUNG ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Emilie Lee, Ecole Pauline Johnson
    Listen YOUNG ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Emilie Lee, Ecole Pauline Johnson pronunciation
    64 ratings rating ratings
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    Translations of emilie

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    Trending news on emilie

    Emilie Moore wins Palm Beach County 1-meter diving title ...
    Listen Emilie Moore wins Palm Beach County 1-meter diving title ... pronunciation
    As a converted gymnast, Boca Raton High School junior Emilie Moore is used to the twists and turns that come with the sport.
    Sun Sentinel Sun Sentinel
    How a Performer Like Emilie Kirchgesner Unwinds from Her ...
    Listen How a Performer Like Emilie Kirchgesner Unwinds from Her ... pronunciation
    Being a performer has its perks–you get to do what you love in new places and with new people, bringing joy and excitement to audiences as they follow your every move, share your emotions, a..View article
    Thrive Global Thrive Global
    Emilie Rosesmith a Windland medic by wolfstring05 on ...
    Listen Emilie Rosesmith a Windland medic by wolfstring05 on ... pronunciation
    Born in the Capital of Windland City Emilie Rosesmith joined the Windland soldier's as a medic freshly graduated from the academy one of the top of her class got picked to be one of the roya..View article
    DeviantArt DeviantArt
    Inside Emilie’s, DC’s Most Exciting Restaurant Opening This Fall
    Listen Inside Emilie’s, DC’s Most Exciting Restaurant Opening This Fall pronunciation
    At Emilie’s, a new American restaurant that opens tonight on Capitol Hill, you don’t have to share your food, you actually want to share your food. Many plates are family-sized platters that..View article
    Robb Report Robb Report
    What to Order at Emilie’s, A New Communal Dining Destination in Capitol Hill
    Listen What to Order at Emilie’s, A New Communal Dining Destination in Capitol Hill pronunciation
    There had to be fried chicken at Emilie’s. Of course there did. For Kevin Tien, the chef-partner behind the cuisine-colliding, communal-eating restaurant that opens tonight in Capitol Hill,..View article
    image-unavailable Eater DC
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