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Learn how to pronounce Emil Klaus Julius Fuchs

Emil Klaus Julius Fuchs

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Pronunciation of Emil Klaus Julius Fuchs with 2 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Emil Klaus Julius Fuchs

A popular German physicist is known for his work in the field of Theoretical physics.
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Examples of in a sentence

What we saw as betrayal, Klaus Fuchs — the world’s most dangerous spy — saw as saving the world
Listen What we saw as betrayal, Klaus Fuchs — the world’s most dangerous spy — saw as saving the world pronunciation
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Klaus Fuchs arrested for passing atomic bomb information to Soviets
Listen Klaus Fuchs arrested for passing atomic bomb information to Soviets pronunciation
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Translations of Emil Klaus Julius Fuchs

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Trending news on Emil Klaus Julius Fuchs

Klaus Fuchs arrested for passing atomic bomb information to Soviets
Listen Klaus Fuchs arrested for passing atomic bomb information to Soviets pronunciation
Klaus Fuchs, a German-born British ... about the bomb to the Soviet Union. The arrest of Fuchs led authorities to several other individuals involved in a spy ring, culminating with the arres..View article
History History
What we saw as betrayal, Klaus Fuchs — the world’s most dangerous spy — saw as saving the world
Listen What we saw as betrayal, Klaus Fuchs — the world’s most dangerous spy — saw as saving the world pronunciation
Between 1941 and 1950 the German physicist Klaus Fuchs handed over British and American ... two Soviet spies whose disclosures were much less damaging, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg — who had l..View article
The Times The Times

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