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Meanings for Elliot

Elliot is also occasionally used as a female name in the Usa.
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It is a surname and also a male given name. It is a Greek derivative of the biblical name Elijah.
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Wiki content for Elliot

Elliot - Elliot (also spelled Eliot, Elliotte, Elliott, Eliott and Elyot) is a personal name which can serve as either a surname or a given name.
Elliott Smith - Steven Paul "Elliott" Smith (August 6, 1969 – October 21, 2003) was an American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.
Elliott Management Corporation - Elliott Management Corporation is an American investment management firm. It is also one of the largest activist funds in the world.It is the management affiliate of American hedge funds flag
Elliott Gould - Elliott Gould (born Elliott Goldstein; August 29, 1938) is an American actor. He began acting in Hollywood films during the 1960s.
Elliott Yamin - Efraym Elliott Yamin (Arabic: افرايم إليوت يامين‎; Hebrew: אפרים אליוט ימין‎; born July 20, 1978) is an American singer known for his hit single "Wait for You" and for placing third on the fi
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Examples of in a sentence

Straight to Hell: Elliot Murphy’s sonic journey through Dante’s Inferno
Listen Straight to Hell: Elliot Murphy’s sonic journey through Dante’s Inferno pronunciation
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Ian McKellen: ‘So Happy’ Former ‘X-Men’ Co-Star Elliot Page Came Out as Transgender
Listen Ian McKellen: ‘So Happy’ Former ‘X-Men’ Co-Star Elliot Page Came Out as Transgender pronunciation
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Sir Ian McKellen Is So Proud of Elliot Page for Coming out as Trans
Listen Sir Ian McKellen Is So Proud of Elliot Page for Coming out as Trans pronunciation
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"Queen's Gambit" Was Almost Directed By Heath Ledger With Elliot Page Starring
Listen "Queen's Gambit" Was Almost Directed By Heath Ledger With Elliot Page Starring pronunciation
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Family Guy: Sam Elliot & 9 Of The Show's Other Best Celebrity Cameos
Listen Family Guy: Sam Elliot & 9 Of The Show's Other Best Celebrity Cameos pronunciation
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Translations of Elliot

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Trending news on Elliot

Elliot Page Inks First-Look Deal With UCP
Listen Elliot Page Inks First-Look Deal With UCP pronunciation
EXCLUSIVE: Elliot Page has signed a first-look deal with UCP to develop scripted and unscripted projects across broadcast, cable and streaming platforms. The pact, which was competitive, exp..View article
Deadline.com Deadline.com
Elliot Page signs first look deal
Listen Elliot Page signs first look deal pronunciation
Elliot Page has signed a first-look deal with UCP and is looking forward to telling "compelling and authentic stories" from the marginalised.
Omaha.com Omaha.com
Hay fire sparks at Mesa dairy farm near Sossaman and Elliot roads
Listen Hay fire sparks at Mesa dairy farm near Sossaman and Elliot roads pronunciation
Fire crews are working to control a hay fire that sparked at a dairy farm near Sossaman and Elliot roads Tuesday morning.
ABC15 Arizona ABC15 Arizona
Beachwood Area Pets Up For Adoption: Hermès, Elliot & More
Listen Beachwood Area Pets Up For Adoption: Hermès, Elliot & More pronunciation
If you're in search of a fuzzy new family member, these pets are waiting for their forever home in Beachwood area shelters.
Patch Patch
Sarah Lockyer Named Chief Brand Officer of The Elliot Group; President, The Elliot Leadership Institute
Listen Sarah Lockyer Named Chief Brand Officer of The Elliot Group; President, The Elliot Leadership Institute pronunciation
Lockyer, a Restaurant Industry and Media Thought Leader, Joins Premier Executive Search Firm for the Consumer and Service Industries NEW YORK, September 07, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Elliot..View article
Yahoo Finance Yahoo Finance
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