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    Meanings for Elise

    Elise is a Greek female given name, it means "God is Abundance" in English. It is a name of an animated character in the "League of Legends".
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    A Belgian tennis player, who ranked in the 12th position globally in 2018.
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    Wiki content for Elise

    Elise - Elise may refer to:
    Elise Stefanik - Elise Marie Stefanik (; born July 2, 1984) is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for New York's 21st congressional district since 2015. Upon her first House election in
    Elisha - Elisha (; Hebrew: אֱלִישָׁע, Modern: ʼElišaʻ, Tiberian: ʼĔlîšāʻ, "My God is salvation", Greek: Ἐλισ[σ]αῖος, Elis[s]aîos or Ἐλισαιέ, Elisaié) was, according to the Hebrew Bible, a prophet and
    Elize Ryd - Hanna Elise Isabell Maj Höstblomma Ryd (born 15 October 1984), known professionally as Elize Ryd, is a Swedish singer-songwriter, dancer, composer, and show artist, best known as one of the t
    Elise Mertens career statistics - This is a list of the main career statistics of Belgian professional tennis player, Elise Mertens since her professional debut in 2010. So far, Mertens has won five WTA singles titles and nin
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    Examples of in a sentence

    I'll be rotating to the surface this afternoon, Elise said.
    300 ratings rating ratings
    Elise, I need a team to go down and test the air.
    277 ratings rating ratings
    GOP group launches TV and digital ads thanking Elise Stefanik
    Listen GOP group launches TV and digital ads thanking Elise Stefanik pronunciation
    254 ratings rating ratings
    Jersey City's Elise Nussbaum Wins Again On 'Jeopardy!'
    Listen Jersey City's Elise Nussbaum Wins Again On 'Jeopardy!' pronunciation
    231 ratings rating ratings
    Listen NOEL, ELISE pronunciation
    209 ratings rating ratings
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    Translations of Elise

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    Trending news on Elise

    Elise Kaplan: Upfront: Finding right house takes timing, support -- and luck
    Listen Elise Kaplan: Upfront: Finding right house takes timing, support -- and luck pronunciation
    In my first 10 years in Albuquerque I lived in eight different homes — ranging from a one-room studio tucked into a University-area backyard to a two-bedroom rental with a basement, a garage..View article
    Yahoo Yahoo
    Best Of: Anthony Ramos / Renée Elise Goldsberry
    Listen Best Of: Anthony Ramos / Renée Elise Goldsberry pronunciation
    Anthony Ramos says Lin-Manuel Miranda's Broadway musical 'In the Heights' filled him with hope about a life on the stage: "I felt like I'm watching my cousins and my aunts and uncles on the..View article
    image-unavailable NPR
    New(ish) kid on the block: Elise Evans-Murphy providing the pop in second season with SBL
    Listen New(ish) kid on the block: Elise Evans-Murphy providing the pop in second season with SBL pronunciation
    Sergeant Bluff-Luton High School sophomore Elise Evans-Murphy was the new kid. This year, she might just be the best hitter in the Warriors’ lineup.
    Sioux City Journal Sioux City Journal
    Rep. Elise Stefanik dunks on Jake Tapper's 'unwatched show' amid CNN ratings free fall: #FAKETAPPER
    Listen Rep. Elise Stefanik dunks on Jake Tapper's 'unwatched show' amid CNN ratings free fall: #FAKETAPPER pronunciation
    N.Y., appeared to rejoice at the ratings feel fall that CNN anchor Jake Tapper has suffered in recent months, mocking him and his "unwatched show."
    Fox News Fox News
    Fresh Air Weekend: Anthony Ramos, 'Luca,' 'Undine' And Renée Elise Goldsberry
    Listen Fresh Air Weekend: Anthony Ramos, 'Luca,' 'Undine' And Renée Elise Goldsberry pronunciation
    Ramos says Lin-Manuel Miranda's In the Heights filled him with hope. Justin Chang reviews the films Luca and Undine. And Hamilton star Renée Elise Goldsberry becomes a one-hit wonder in Girl..View article
    Boise State Public Radio Boise State Public Radio
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