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electoral college

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    Meanings for electoral college

    It is a set of electors who are selected to elect a candidate to particular offices.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    How the filibuster was used 51 years ago to keep the Electoral College
    Listen How the filibuster was used 51 years ago to keep the Electoral College pronunciation
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    Gaming the Electoral College...After the Election
    Listen Gaming the Electoral College...After the Election pronunciation
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    Colorado Electoral College reps try to revive lawsuit
    Listen Colorado Electoral College reps try to revive lawsuit pronunciation
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    The first break came in the spring of 1804 when Burr, who had incurred the enmity of his Republican colleagues in 1800 by seeking Federalist votes in the electoral college at Jefferson's expense, became an independent candidate for governor against Morgan Lewis.
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    Its archbishop was president of the electoral college, arch-chancellor of the empire and primate of Germany.
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    Trending news on electoral college

    Engines of Our Ingenuity 2680: The Electoral College
    Listen Engines of Our Ingenuity 2680: The Electoral College pronunciation
    Episode: 2680 What happens when no presidential candidate receives a majority of electoral votes? Today, we vote for president.
    Houston Public Media Houston Public Media
    Colorado Electoral College reps try to revive lawsuit
    Listen Colorado Electoral College reps try to revive lawsuit pronunciation
    Colorado electors want a federal appeals court to overturn a judge's dismissal of their lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of state law requiring electors to back the winner of the st..View article
    Associated Press Associated Press
    Gaming the Electoral College...After the Election
    Listen Gaming the Electoral College...After the Election pronunciation
    Rally organizers contended that the November election was rife with fraud, and that members of Congress could challenge Electoral College votes from key states in the hope that Donald Trump..View article
    RealClearPolitics on MSN.com RealClearPolitics on MSN.com
    How the filibuster was used 51 years ago to keep the Electoral College
    Listen How the filibuster was used 51 years ago to keep the Electoral College pronunciation
    A popular-vote constitutional amendment died on the Senate floor in  September 1970, killed off by a filibuster led by three Southern senators.
    MinnPost MinnPost

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