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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈelɪnə ˈelənə*
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Meanings for Eleanor

A biblical feminine name that is of Hebrew origin and it means god is my light.
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Wiki content for Eleanor

Eleanor - Eleanor (usually pronounced in North America but elsewhere; short form Leonor and variants) is a feminine given name.
Eleanor of Aquitaine - Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122 – 1 April 1204) was queen consort of France (1137–1152) and England (1154–1189) and duchess of Aquitaine in her own right (1137–1204).
Eleanor Roosevelt - Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (; October 11, 1884 – November 7, 1962) was an American political figure, diplomat and activist.
Eleanor Hibbert - Eleanor Alice Hibbert (née Burford; 1 September 1906 – 18 January 1993) was an English author who combined imagination with facts to bring history alive through novels of fiction and romance.
Eleanor of Castile - Eleanor of Castile (1241 – 28 November 1290) was an English queen consort, the first wife of Edward I, whom she married as part of a political deal to affirm English sovereignty over Gascony.
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Examples of in a sentence

Alex Necochea and Bryn Bennett: the 'Guitar Heroes' of Bang Camaro
Listen Alex Necochea and Bryn Bennett: the 'Guitar Heroes' of Bang Camaro pronunciation
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2006 U.S. Congressional Elections
Listen 2006 U.S. Congressional Elections pronunciation
219 ratings rating ratings
Former U.S. presidential candidate and Senator George McGovern dies aged 90
Listen Former U.S. presidential candidate and Senator George McGovern dies aged 90 pronunciation
202 ratings rating ratings
'Recession gardens' replace victory gardens
Listen 'Recession gardens' replace victory gardens pronunciation
185 ratings rating ratings
Only one World War I veteran left in Canada
168 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of Eleanor

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Trending news on Eleanor

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Listen Eleanor Tomlinson Took This 1 Souvenir From the ‘Poldark’ Set pronunciation
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The Journal Gazette The Journal Gazette
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He told RadioTimes.com: "Eleanor's one of those actors who can essentially just tell the story with their performance. "They don't necessarily need an awful lot of dialogue. Somehow, they ju..View article
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Eleanor Caheely
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Mrs. Eleanor Louise Caheely, age 92, Trion, died Thursday, Nov. 28, 2019. Graveside, Saturday, 12 Noon, West Hill Cemetery. No Visitation. Coffman Funeral Home, Summerville, Ga. One of last..View article
Times Free Press Times Free Press
First look at Eleanor Catton's adaption of Jane Austen classic Emma
Listen First look at Eleanor Catton's adaption of Jane Austen classic Emma pronunciation
A sneak peek of Eleanor Catton's adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma has been revealed in a new trailer. Catton, who won a Man Booker Prize for her novel The Luminaries, wrote the script for th..View article
The New Zealand Herald The New Zealand Herald
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