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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈaɪzɪnhaʊər
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    Video Pronunciation of Eisenhower in English

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    Meanings for Eisenhower

    Dwight D. Eisenhower was an American politician who belonged to the Republican party. He served as the president of the United States from the year 1953 to 1961..
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    Wiki content for Eisenhower

    Eisenhower dollar - The Eisenhower dollar was a one-dollar coin issued by the United States Mint from 1971 to 1978; it was the first coin of that denomination issued by the Mint since the Peace dollar series end
    Eisenhower Executive Office Building - The Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB)—formerly known as the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB) and even earlier as the State, War, and Navy Building—is a U.S.
    Eisenhower Fellowships - Eisenhower Fellowships is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization created in 1953 by a group of prominent American citizens to honor President Dwight D.
    Eisenhower Tunnel - The Eisenhower Tunnel, officially the Eisenhower–Edwin C. Johnson Memorial Tunnel, is a dual-bore, four-lane vehicular tunnel in the western United States, approximately 60 miles (97 km) west
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    Examples of in a sentence

    RAF UFO encounters may have been covered up by Churchill and Eisenhower
    Listen RAF UFO encounters may have been covered up by Churchill and Eisenhower pronunciation
    85 ratings rating ratings
    Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz dies at 98
    Listen Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz dies at 98 pronunciation
    73 ratings rating ratings
    Illinois high schools now required to buy insurance for athletes
    Listen Illinois high schools now required to buy insurance for athletes pronunciation
    67 ratings rating ratings
    On the campaign trail, February 2012
    Listen On the campaign trail, February 2012 pronunciation
    61 ratings rating ratings
    North American Leaders' Summit 2016: leaders affirm strong relations
    Listen North American Leaders' Summit 2016: leaders affirm strong relations pronunciation
    49 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on Eisenhower

    Oak Ridge tops Eisenhower for first playoff win since 2002
    Listen Oak Ridge tops Eisenhower for first playoff win since 2002 pronunciation
    Schmid, now leading the program at Oak Ridge, guided his team to a 30-20 victory over Aldine Eisenhower in the Region II-6A (Div. II) bi-district round at Woodforest Bank Stadium. It marked..View article
    San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco Chronicle
    The can't-miss rivalry between Pewaukee and New Berlin Eisenhower, plus four other girls basketball takeaways
    Listen The can't-miss rivalry between Pewaukee and New Berlin Eisenhower, plus four other girls basketball takeaways pronunciation
    Here is what we learned from another week of girls basketball around Milwaukee, beginning with the Pewaukee-Eisenhower battles.
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
    Live at 2 pm: Eisenhower Health COVID vaccine informational briefing
    Listen Live at 2 pm: Eisenhower Health COVID vaccine informational briefing pronunciation
    Eisenhower Health in Rancho Mirage has received the Pfizer COVID vaccine and will be administering its first doses to staff. An Eisenhower Covid-19 Task Force team member will host a Zoom pr..View article
    KESQ News KESQ News
    Eisenhower High School choir students perform Christmas classic virtually
    Listen Eisenhower High School choir students perform Christmas classic virtually pronunciation
    A Macomb County high school isn’t letting the COVID-19 pandemic stop them from spreading Christmas cheer. Choir students from Eisenhower High School in Utica managed to perform a Christmas c..View article
    clickondetroit.com clickondetroit.com
    Eisenhower Expressway crash leaves 2 Cook County sheriff's officers hurt at Racine; driver charged with DUI
    Listen Eisenhower Expressway crash leaves 2 Cook County sheriff's officers hurt at Racine; driver charged with DUI pronunciation
    Two Cook County Sheriff's officers were hurt early Sunday after a vehicle crashed into their parked squad cars.
    ABC 7 Chicago ABC 7 Chicago
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
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